Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Hey, a big FUCK YOU, LOSER to Billy Mitchell, some idiot who apparently spends his life playing video games.

It's a double-edged sword up your ass, Billy. If you want "fame" for being a nerd who is (sometimes) the best Donkey Kong player in the world, then that "fame" includes being a public figure TO BE LAUGHED AT.

Here's smug beaver-faced Billy, who thinks he's SO KEWL. When was the last time you got laid? I mean, by something other than your well-exercised fist and arm or a plastic blow-up doll?

It's pathetic but true: the more tenuous the fame, the more litigious the asshole. Think about Kenny Kramer, or don't. In this case, moneygrubbing Mitchell figured, in all seriousness, that you are NOT allowed to make fun of a "gamer." The President, yes. A "gamer" no.

Below is the full news story on this ANTI-JESUS OF COOL. I mean the totally absurd, self-centered, get-a-life idiotic not-in-the-real-world Billy Goat Mitchell. (PS, that last line is protected by FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I'm stating my opinion that Billy is a shit headed moron; I'm not stating for a fact that his brain IS shit, which could only be proven by a well-advised lobotomy.)


From "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" to "Weird Al" (to use the lowest, most childish forms of parody around), famous names and faces and products have been tweaked. Sometimes it's good natured. Sometimes it's scorn-tinged ridicule.

Nope, you don't get PAID because you've been referenced in a cartoon, anymore than if you're quoted in a newspaper ("fair use").

At least whining, whinging non-winning weirdo Billy didn't try to blow up the offices of the satirists. That's put him just a notch above the bearded fanatics of Islam. He also isn't spending his life trying to win hot dog eating contests, and literally wasting good food by turning it into nothing but shit. AND, he's not TILLIE Mitchell, the cocksucker who caused a million dollars in damages and one death, by having nothing better to do than play games with murderers and help them escape.

Hopefully this putz will have to pay the court costs for being such a DOPE.

Have I mentioned that I go a step beyond Jimmy Kimmel on this? Kimmel got into trouble by satirizing idiots who go on YOUTUBE to WATCH PEOPLE PLAY VIDEO GAMES. They don't want to learn techniques for winning a particular game. They do it because they are obsessed anti-social idiots.

Yeah, I played Berserk and some Super Mario. I wasn't big on DONKEY KONG for fuck's sake, and I got over it very quickly. I didn't progress to 3D and vicious and violent "realistic" games or other insanities.

The best advice anyone could get is to trash your fucking SEGA or NINTENDO and get back into the real world. Say: "GAME OVER!!!!!"

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