Sunday, November 8, 2015

KKK Blah Blah Blah - Faggots in Guy Fawkes Masks

Oooh, lookie lookie. Ooooh!

It's those precocious and pimply Piers wanna-be's.

OK, the good thing about this obnoxious and illegal activity is that it took the real KKK (the Kardashian bitch sisters) off the front page. Other than that, a big FUCK YOU to the media and to the Pimple Posse.

Nobody finds it ironic that a group called ANONYMOUS is busy OUTING IDENTITIES?

That's the Assange way of thinking, pure and simple: "We want transparency, for everybody but US."

That's real hypocrite shit. It's cloaked in the shiny piss of "We are heroes, we are Robin Hoods, we are fighting for Freedom of Speech!"

Wait a minute. Isn't the KKK entitled to freedom of speech, even if it's to tell the world how horrible gays, coloreds and kikes are? With a special place in hell for Sammy Davis Jr., who was all three? (OK, Sammy was technically bi-sexual).

The Pimplies grandly excused themselves for outing the KKK by declaring they're a terrorist group and violence must be put down. I mean, the KKK is a terrorist group, not The Pimplies. There's a difference although it might be miniscule.

Terrorists? Violent people? Not for several generations. Black and Latino gangs have been worse. The KKK is full of toothless old fat Southern retards who'd shoot themselves in the face by pointing a gun the wrong way. Second, if you're concerned about terrorists, how about taking on the BIG BOYS like Isis or Hamas? How about Putin and his goons? How about the North Koreans? Oooh, a bit too much huh? They might actually seek you out and instead of a slap on the wrist, they'll cut your fucking head off.

Once again, as with that stupid "cheat on your spouse" website they outed, the outcry should be "Go after these hackers, arrest them and jail them," not a titter of "hee hee hee, look what these bad boys have done. Ha ha ho ho hee hee." So what was with Ashley Madison? Were they terrorists, too? They were lighting crosses and murdering people 40 years ago?

There's always been an excuse for Internet bullying. "We do it because WE CAN." We saw it in its mildest form when a Dutch douchebag blogfarter cried walrus tears over not being allowed to give away all the music ever made. Now bullying is common and accepted, and nobody is demanding that REAL Internet privacy be upheld and asshole hackers get sent to prison.

What next, Pimplies? Why not hack the FBI and publish the names and addresses of everybody in the Witness Protection program? Anything for a good time. There's always a rationalization for anti-social piggery.

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