Sunday, November 8, 2015

John Lennon's stolen guitar? FUCK YOU 2.4 million times

What the fuck? WHO is paying out this much money for nothing?

We make fun of religious fanatics who make a big deal out of statues, "holy" books and relics? How about the asshole who paid a fortune for some wood and metal?

Even idiots who have a thing for vintage guitars wouldn't pay so much. "Oh, but Lennon owned it. For a year."

So it was a "magic guitar" and he couldn't have written a few hit songs on something else? When the guitar was stolen, he didn't seem to give that much of a shit. He was a Beatle. He could've told the world to be on the look-out for it, and tell reporters the serial number and style, and mention it in interviews.

Instead he bought another guitar. The one that was stolen was probably pawned by the junkie who swiped it, and by the time it was purchased by some nobody who NEVER WROTE A HIT SONG WITH IT, nobody knew it was the great John Lennon guitar.

The owner just happened to notice a photo and thought, "Gee, that looks like my old guitar. I wonder..." He wondered correctly, and found a greedhead to authenticate it, and a dumber greedhead to buy it.

Put it this way, I'd like to go into the home of the new owner, and instead of imitating John Lennon with it, imitate Pete Townshend.


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