Monday, November 23, 2015

"It's public domain because I said so." EBAY SELLERS are PARASITES AND THIEVES

Oh, lookie lookie.

Aside from Gutenberg and Archives and other sites for public domain books...there's EBAY. Wonderful EBAY.

Since the average moron doesn't know about most websites (or the torrents), they go to EBAY where wonderful sellers scab, for a few pounds, an entire LIBRARY of books on a DVD.

This worthy, this FINE and moral cunt, steals somebody's illustration, downloads shit from Archive and Gutenberg, and guess what...from the torrents, too.

Gee, Kurt Vonnegut is in public domain!

No, of course he's not. But on EBAY, a seller can, intentionally or not, merely claim "it's public domain" and EBAY, "just a venue," believes it. It's the Internet power game. The thief doesn't have to say "under penalty of perjury" and can be totally anonymous to the world. He can hide on EBAY behind any silly name he chooses. It's up to the rights owner to find the item and report it, and state "under penalty of perjury" that he IS the rights owner.

PS, EBAY just doesn't take anyone's word for it, like they do with their sellers. To have an auction removed you damn well have to PROVE to their satisfaction, that you ARE authorized.

Oh look. Begorrah! Who would've believed some drunken Irish cocksucker owns the rights to EVERY New York Times best seller and has a deal where he can put EVERY book on a DVD, in any format anyone wants! Saints be praised!

Perhaps an astute rights owner rep will put an end to THIS shit. But that's the other thing. A lot of rights owners are naive. They don't know how to check eBay ads for anything but the most obvious violation. Some PAY a "sheriff" to do the dirty work and the "sheriff" doesn't know either, or is instructed to only do ten or twenty takedowns since it can be very expensive to keep filing. Har har.

The Internet Giants continue to be monsters that make the rules. Ha ha ho ho hee hee.

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