Monday, November 9, 2015


You remember the Phil Ochs song about the Kitty Genovese murder, and other societal problems?

People had a good rationalization for not getting involved. These included, "but Monopoly is so much fun I'd hate to blow the game," and "besides, we're much too high."

In the case of pirates who end up living in huge mansions by stealing from artists and destroying the companies and outlets for legit sales, the difficulty of finding and removing illegal files has been made worse by...GOVERNMENT APATHY.

The Millennials and the government and most everyone who ISN'T an artist or trying to make a living from their creativity, figures "it wouldn't interest anybody" to be moral. And what for? Let 'em eat cake. Let 'em sell t-shirts. Let 'em have a real job and make albums and write books for the fun of it.

Just confirming how shitty the situation is, here comes news that the "City of London Police" and PIPCU no longer really see piracy prevention as a priority.

Yeah, THESE are the guys who were able to knock off a streaming video site because it was run by a guy in England. Now? Maybe he'll come back and set up shop again. Brits who manage download-theft forums should breathe a sigh of relief.

Yeah, who cares. ICANN, the corrupt company that emerged out of nowhere to govern domain names, is NOT interested in cooperating. Why should they? They make money by forcing people to give them bucks to register a domain. They have the fucking nerve to demand that people and corporations pay them thousands of dollars to decide if a pirate or squatter should give back "Coca Cola" dotcom or "Ben Affleck" dotcom. Har har.

So PIPCU has basically stopped fighting with ICANN and stopped spending time dealing with the maggots and parasites who are illegal but...oh's SO overwhelming. And it wouldn't interest anybody outside of a small group of outraged people who don't like to see mob rule and bratty behavior winning.

This is good news, of course, for mongoloid nasties and the arrogant shits who grin and say "We like FREE." It's especially good news for Torrent Creep, who are at least pretending to cover these issues without their usual gloating. See, they are strongly in favor of their pirate pals making a fortune, and the controversies are making the Torrent Creep site a fortune. As soon as a fucking torrent goes under for even an hour, people rush to Torrent Creep to find out what happened. Torrent Creep used to be solidly sympathetic to the Kim Dotcom Nazi bastards of the world. Now, perhaps afraid of getting the shit beaten out of them, the pisses who run it now pretend to be neutral (while offering all the information you need to find the "best" torrents, use the best privacy software, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.)

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