Monday, November 30, 2015

WINNING Ugly - A Big Week For Bloated Low-Class No-Talent Brit-Shits

ADELE becomes the hottest seller. TYSON FURY becomes heavyweight champ.

Amusement gets more and more disgusting.

Blobs...and the world is getting overloaded with overweight oafs, cheer ADELE. She's one of the well-fed faces of "full figure" entertainment these days. You don't need me to name all the cake-stuffing blimp bitches out there who are starring in movies and TV shows and telling the world not to "shame" them for being pigs.

ADELE is unquestionably the poster girl for ugly slobs, and really, her music stinks and her voice is nothing special. Her shit is as forgettable as Amy Swinehouse's "No No No." Who is playing that skag's stuff anymore? Nobody.

What especially interests the Ox-Farts who love ADELE so much, is how she "makes up" OH SO WELL. Get a team to design her a frock that won't expose her blobs too much, and get a team of spackle experts and art school dropouts to paint up her face and add slimming shadows and bold gobs of mascara and lipstick to distract from her pudgy oatmeal convex face, and people go "She's actually ATTRACTIVE."

No. I'd throw her out of my bed...if I ever learned to bench-press 300 pounds.

About the only good thing I can say about her, is she turned her back on Spotify. Being a dumb cow, all she really did was glance at Taylor Swift and see how lucrative and headline-grabbing it is to talk about SALES. Actual SALES.

In fact, editorials have sprung up criticizing A-Dull not for her crappy music and ugly fatness, but for being the greedy pig who refused to let Spotify parasites stream her music all day for chump change.

This led to a scrappy response.

Moving over to the other 300 pound classless British pile of shit, Tyson Fury is now the Champ of the World. As if, with limited fights, he's the real deal. He isn't (and neither is the equally inexperienced Deontay Wilder or Britain's black hope, Anthony Joshua).

No question, Joshua and Wilder have more punching power than big goon Tyson Fury. They know how to snap a punch. Fury was dropped by Steve Cunningham, who is basically a cruiserweight and much smaller and lighter. Fury went the distance with a VERY old Wlad Klitschko. He also struggled with grotesque fire plug Drek Disorder.

Nobody outside of England is all that impressed, but the troubling thing is that this guy thinks that being obnoxious is a GOOD thing. That includes ranting about fags, screaming about abortion, and insisting that God gives him victories.

The guy is basically a pussy. What else do you say about a guy who talks trash and then once the fight is over, giggles and admits it was all an act, and that his opponent is actually a worthy adversary?

How much of a "novelty" is watching an acromegaly victim with a brain full of pus sing off-key and bully everyone with an Irish barroom mentality? He's the person you DON'T want to be sitting behind at a rock concert or football match, and the one that will make you instantly turn around and find another bowling alley or bar.

Eventually he'll somberly say through a mask of blood and lumps and bumps, "That's it, I've had a good run, all power to that black 6'2" guy who made me look like the chump I really am. I'll now breed another eleven children, and find one that I can name after him. And I hope that kid will be a champ someday, and have more skills and less of a big fat mouth."

Oh, big fat mouth...don't get me started on ADELE again....

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