Thursday, November 12, 2015

The actor with HIV is...Charlie Sheen? Will Smith? Antonio Banderas? Not Sean Penn or George Clooney?

Oh, the FUN game of the day is guessing, "Which A-list actor has HIV?"

A "BLIND ITEM" story from a British tabloid has led every copycat website to repeat the rumors and encourage readers to waste their time interpreting the "clues" to his identity.

The "clues" included a list of his conquests: a) a top glamour model, b) a celeb with a troubled history, c) famous media personality, d) award winning actress, etc. etc.

How vague. The "Lothario" apparently isn't married, but knew he was HIV+ some years ago and didn't tell his partners. How rude.

This is a break from the endless Kardashian bullshit news? (Not exactly, ultra fat Rebel Wilson is on the front page whining that people are angry because she said the Kardashians have no talent. Oprah Winfrey of all people, has defended against this charge, claiming it's HARD WORK to star in a reality show and just wander around with cameras following).

Ooooh! The HIV actor! Who could it BE, now. Who could it BE, now?

Some of the actors people have "deduced" are not even men I've even heard of! These are A-Listers?? Others, I've vaguely heard of. Ryan Gosling is an A-Lister? Tom Hardy? Russell Brand? Tom Green? Really? If you say really, would you also include John C. O'Reilly? Really?

I think any era has, at best, 10 A-Listers. Superstars. John Wayne, Marlon Brando, Gary Cooper, Cary Grant...this should be a damn exclusive list, and Ryan Gosling shouldn't be on it.

Some have been dropping hints that hacked "Sony e-mails" reveal the name if you go find someplace that has those, and that half of the people on Twitter have mentioned the person's name.

Except if you go to Twitter, most are saying Charlie Sheen, and IS that guy an A-Lister?

If there's anything funny about the story, it's how many shitty actors, ugly goons and brainless dipshits who've made garbage action films or depressingly stupid comedies are considered A-Listers.

If you ask me who is an A-Lister among actors, I'd say George Clooney, happily married to Anal Clooney, and...that's about it. Tom Hanks, I guess. Al Pacino...what defines an A-Lister anyway? Someone who gets to walk the red carpet at awards shows? Someone on the cover of bad magazines? Someone noted for never giving interviews?? Is Arnold Schwarzenegger an A-Lister because he's famous and made some very stupid movies that most movie critics never liked?

One of the also-ran websites thoughtfully gave up a list of who the celebrity is NOT.

Meanwhile, one or two places are actually suggesting that this "guessing game" story sucks, and that speculation of this type ain't helpful OR ethical.

Yes, how about ethics. Is it ethical to run a blind item in order to pressure somebody to publicly state that he has a sexual disease? How about pressuring somebody to admit homosexuality? For a while, it was fashionable to "out" people, and the lunatic fringe of the gay community had the attitude, "You better come out, and be proud," or else you might get "outed" anyway.

About the only positive (har har) here, is that the story reminds us that heterosexuals can get HIV, and that women can get HIV. And that it's always a good idea to use protection or know, as best as possible, if you're sleeping with a dirty creep who will do it to anyone or anything, or not.

It's quite possible this "Lothario" did use protection and figured as long as he did, revealing his HIV status didn't matter.

Also, these days people can live with HIV for 30, 40 years or more without it blooming into AIDS.

Ultimately, I'm less interested in who has HIV than who the fuck IS an A-Lister. I thought it was a fairly exclusive group of less than 10 actors and less than 5 actresses. Most of the "stars" these days are empty-headed no-talents appearing in movies and TV shows not worth watching. And given the number of boring leaked celebrity sex videos...most of 'em aren't even worth watching as they try to pass along HIV to each other.

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