Monday, November 16, 2015

John Oliver unleashes his most Eric Idle of idle unfunny assholery

A secondary mystery to why faggoty pudgy giggly James Corden got a late night show in America, is why it also was awarded to some effete, overly verbal fuckhead named John Oliver.

Is John Oliver supposed to be Great Britain's answer to effete, overly verbal fuckhead Stephen Colbert?

On his first show after the Paris attacks, he announced that since he was on HBO, he was going to unleash a storm of profanity, which would be the only way of talking about ISIS.


This pasty-faced over-educated little pantywaist sat at his desk and called ISIS “Unconscionable flaming assholes, possibly working with other fucking assholes, definitely working in service of an ideology of pure assholery.”

Well, my, my, you can bet every terrorist in ISIS was terrified by THAT.

So far, his audience was, like the Norwegian Blue parrot, merely stunned. Not laughing. Stunned. You don't call the murder of over 100 people the result of "ideology of pure assholery." Do you?

Had he said, "These fuckin' shits need to be flushed down the loo," at least he might've gotten a smattering of applause for being too angry to manage anything nastier or funnier.

But..."ideology of pure assholery?"

He might as well have added "there will be a letter in the Times about this." Except, of course, some of the idiotic media websites instantly picked up this withering insult and, with a GOOTUBE link, showed the world the rest of what John Oliver said.

Yes, he actually decided to offer another 30 seconds.

So far, he seemed to have channeled fat poofter Stephen Fry. Fry would've sat his fat load in a chair and gurgled about "an ideology of pure assholery."

But how about the great Eric Idle?

Eric would've brightly recited one of those Monty Python zany lists of inanities, the kind that would've had Graham Chapman shouting, "Please shut up, PLEASE SHUT UP!" Idle would've done some tweak on the level of "Jean Paul Sartre is a silly old fart." Or something. And that's what John Oliver did.

Oliver moved away from any show of rage (even an impotent one) into an oh-so-comically MAD defense of France and its culture.

Get this:

He declared that ISIS couldn't impose their culture on France, because France is...the country that gave us... ”John Paul Sartre! Edith Piaf! Fine Wine! Cauloise cigarettes! Camus! Camembert! Medeleines! Macarons! Marcel Proust! And the fucking CROQUEMBOUCHE!"

Yes, a pipsqueak sitting in his shirt and tie, with his glasses on, jokes that ISIS with its MACHINE GUNS is no match for a nation that likes camembert cheese and fancy desserts. HOLY SHIT.

How far OFF the mark was THAT?

First he's staring down his nose ala Stephen Fry, glowering about "assholery," and next, he's being a wild and crazy Eric Idle, working up a list of France's superiority in giving us fatty cheese, sugary desserts, an irritating bitch who sang like she hadn't blown her nose in a year, and...a certain silly old fartre.

The media reports that Oliver was spot-on, and outrageous, and his audience roared. No, no, and no.

JOHN OLIVER, how would you like it, if some French comic made fun of the Nazi blitzes, and called it "assholery." And with Brits watching their homes get blown up, and having to crawl away to the Underground and sleep in a fucking cold tunnel, the French comic said:

"England will survive, because they have Ribena, and Walker's Cheese and Onion Crisps, and Max Miller and George Formby! Any country that can drink Coca-Cola without ice, and enjoys kippers first thing in the morning is a tough country!"

Trivializes the culture, doesn't it? Not too funny, huh?

SOME dimwits in the audience were chuckling. But they, and Oliver, were impatient to get off the subject of Muslim psychos and back to comfier topics for nose tweaks.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, no late night host out there would dare come up with meaningful insults against ISIS or Muslims. It's just a fucking outrage that people act as if John Oliver did. He did not. "Assholery" is weak and passive and not in the tradition of the late George Carlin or Lenny Bruce.

Somebody does something stupid to you, and instead of saying, "You are an asshole," you say, "You've indulged in an act of assholery." That's pretty much saying, "I don't want to fight you."

In another day or two, as is always the case (whether it's the massacre of school kids, the destruction of the Charlie Hebdo staff, or the killings of people who had nothing else to do but watch a shitty band perform), it'll all be forgotten.

As it is, few even bothered to go on social media to "TWEET" about "let's restrict immigration" or "let's not let Muslims hide in mosques and behind burqas" much less "we should blow Syria off the map."

Nah. You could probably find more people saying, "Don't buy anthing from Israel" and "Hitler was right about Jews."

The uncomfortable truth is that nobody seems to be able to stop these ISIS bastards from amassing huge amounts of money. You and I don't seem to know that trick. Most cities and towns have no idea how to do it either.

ISIS gets their money from ransoms and drug sales? Nobody follows the money trail, and nobody notices huge shipments of heroin?

They take over half a building and the good guys don't dare bomb it because "innocent people" are in there, a lot more innocent than the 100 killed at the rock concert??

Nevermind. John Oliver has said the attacks in Paris involved "assholery," and we can laugh, HO HO HA HA HEE HEE and move on with our lives. Me, I'm surely going to go buy a fucking croquembouche. After all, in John Oliver's mind, it probably would be the best way of showing solidarity with France.

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