Sunday, November 29, 2015

Jennifer Szulman a Daily News twat WRONG about "RIGHTS"

I can't imagine the New York Times running a piece on "how EBAY sellers give you great pdf bootlegs of best sellers for a third of what Amazon charges. Just type in an author and add KINDLE or eBook or PDF and get a bargain."

I can't even imagine the New York Post cheering, "Wow, moments after Robin Williams killed himself, EBAY sellers were putting his face on hats, t-shirts and memorial "R.I.P. Robin" buttons! They were making lots of money!!"

I have to revise my thinking with the Daily News. Their reporter Jennifer Szulman delighted in giving a huge plug to somebody who STEALS celebrity faces and puts them on underwear.

Hey Jen, EBAY sellers do this all the time. They steal celebrity photos and dupe them. Photoshop the heads onto porn images and sell them. They put the photos on mousepads and hats and t-shirts. They laugh because EBAY is "just a venue" and, as always, it's up to the rights owners to find the abuse and send in a DMCA.

What makes this right? That it's a bitch putting Bea Arthur's face on underwear, and not a prick putting the Batman logo on a hat? Or some fuckhead offering "entire collection of George R.R. Martin" books on a CD-R?

What's the deal, Jen, you got a free set of undies? You know the bitch who is exploiting "The Golden Girls?"

Why don't you check ETSY and see some really creative people who knit, crochet or hammer together original items that are all their own? They could use some attention, not a witch who makes unauthorized souvenirs.

You'd think someone whose work is copyrighted would be aware of how important it is that the Internet, from GooTube to EBAY to ETSY and back, stop STEALING and COPYING everybody else's work.

Too bad the owners of "Golden Girls" copyright will just shrug and say, "Oh, let's not ruin the fun." Or rationaliz, "It's good publicity."

SOME rights owners ("Star Trek" and Disney come to mind) would instantly shut this bitch down. Too bad those companies are in the minority. They are also so overrun with abuse they can't get to it all, and the huge number of copyright abusers figure they won't get caught, won't be sued, and won't have to give back their profits.

And nevermind that most bootleg products are shoddy and don't last. After all, this ETSY bitch didn't license this material so doesn't have to answer to anyone who expects quality on "Golden Girls" merchandise.

Like the bloggers and torrent pricks before them, ETSY swine like this can shout "Victory! We've overwhelmed the rights owners! Copyright is COPYWRONG! Har har!

The pessimistic story "Leinengen vs the Ants" indicates that mob rule is inevitable, and parasites will hold dominion, and maggots will not only feast on the dead but kill in order to lord over the carrion.

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