Monday, November 3, 2014

Yabba Dabba ABU DHABI, kiss Robert Black's ass GOO BYE

"Abu Dhabi."

That's what Fred Flintstone used to say.

He lived in the stone age. So do the urine-faced monkey-brained Muslim cocksuckers of oil-rich "United Arab Emirates."

These are supposedly our "allies." Put it this way: NO Arab country is an American ally. NONE. NO WAY. All they want is our money for their dirty oil....and...some white women to abuse while feigning being pious to their beloved Allah-Kazam.

Let's tell the truth. Arab hypocrite bastards are ARAB HYPOCRITE BASTARDS. Lawrence of Arabia didn't mind taking it up the ass, but most white guys should beware.

Which brings us to an asshole named Robert Alan Black.

Robert Alan Black went to Abu Dhabi "to speak at a conference..."

HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, Black. ARE you an idiot? You are WHITE, Mr. Black. What the FUCK do you think you're doing waltzing your dumb Southern Cracker ass into the Middle East?

He took a picture of something or other...that he shouldn't have?

That gives you an idea of what Arab cocksuckers are all about. In America, we let towel heads and retards and veiled-bitches as loonies in Voodoo garb do anything they want. Japs can go crick-crick anywhere they want, even up a woman's skirt.

WHAT in the world can a dumb Southern yam-brain take a picture of what could get him in trouble? He ain't with Mission Impossible.

Did you notice that this quivering, jelly-like bit of reporting made SURE to mention how WONDERFUL the "United Arab Emerites" is? Oooh, it has tall buildings. It has modern facilities. Nevermind that it's put some hapless cracker in jail, bars Jews from its borders, and rips the clits off women. The UAE is run by psychos. They are intolerant. They are CRAZY. They'd wipe their asses on pages of the Koran if those pages said something about "don't sell oil to infidels." You notice these Arab swine hate us...but SELL to us? Come on, Mohamed-lovers, if you think we're heathen, then keep your fucking oil to yourselves.

ARABS are a nasty bunch of nuts who think this is the 11th Century. Take a picture near a "shrine" and you can die. Take a gag picture, snickering at some stupid monument people bow and pray at, and you WiLL die. So this white trash toothless dumbass goes over to Crazy Land, takes out a camera, and takes a picture...and now he's locked up.

Good. YOUR problem now, Arabs. One less cracker on social security for America.

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