Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dr. Palmer, if they hunted the ugly, Your Wife and Daughter would be Dead

Here's a gruesome twosome.

The scent of rotten fish just WAFTS AT YOU, doesn't it?

Thanks to Farcebook, we can see why Dr. Walter Palmer would rather be halfway around the world shooting the crap out of animals. It gets rid of his misogyny.

Bleeding people all day in a dental clinic doesn't even do that for him. Not even if the sadism might include a waiting room where "Message in a Bottle" is playing on the radio.

Dr. Palmer, now 55, most certainly CAN'T get an erection (Jimmy Kimmel publicly and pubicly asked this question on national TV). Not if it's going to be going into the herring-gut hole of such a swamp creature as "Tonette" is wife.

Today's news out of Zimboobie-land is that Cecil's brother Jericho was shot and killed.

They sure know how to protect their wildlife over there, huh? No details yet, but somehow this game preserve is not well guarded and anyone can get onto the property and knock off an animal, if only for kicks.

If you remember an amusing little story called "The Most Dangerous Game," which has been made into movies time and again, or "The Naked Prey," which was utter fiction (a white guy successfully escaping from blacks and running around the jungle eluding capture), it's HUMANS that are the most fun to hunt.

Maybe that's why the Putin-faced dentist and his skanky wife and ugly daughter are in hiding. They don't like the odds. Unless Dr. Palmer has a $5,000 super "can't miss" crossbow and an old or half-crippled giant animal in his sites, he's in trouble.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the dentist's rep as a fabulous sportsman took a major hit when it was revealed that he clumsily failed to kill Cecil cleanly, and it took nearly two days before the hobbling beast could be tracked down and finished off with a rifle.

I do hope the Palmers are letting their imaginations get the better of them. That they might be concerned that hackers are noting exactly where they use their credit cards, and that maniacs who normally fire at innocent people in movie theaters are stalking them. Let them experience some terror for a change. Let them understand what it's like to face the end of life for no fucking reason. Let them enjoy their entry into the first circle of hell.

PS, did I mention, doc, that your wife and daughter are ugly? Why don't you take them to some colleague and have them swap their faces and crotches? Those two wouldn't look worse if they walked around with their twats on their necks.

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