Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Banksy Would be DELIGHTED with "Obscene Hillary"

How do you become a FAMOUS ARTIST? Do something obnoxious and stupid in public, and dare anyone to do anything about it. "Freedom of Speech" you shout. Har har har har har! 

Down on Wall Street this morning, in front of a busy subway exit, some Banksy-type of half-breed jackal dragged out an ugly caricature statue and, to be a little more showy about it, made sure it was obscene, too. Yeah, let's have the Democratic candidate with bared breasts. 

The result was what you'd expect: several tough, angry New York WOMEN pushed the statue over and began kicking it and trying to break it to pieces. A few assholes stood around shouting, "It's DUH Foist Amen Mint, it's Free Dumb o Speeeeech." 

The "artist" was hanging around to call attention to himself, and he was snickering at all the aggravation he was causing, and pulling the statue back onto its feet (or rather, cloven hoofs, har har har). The statue would get toppled again and again, with one feisty woman saying "Fuck you" to the complainers and even sitting on it. 

So let's all remember that name: SCIOLI, the dumb wop moron who is such a shitty artist he has to stage a Banksy-SPOOF while people are trying to get to work and trying to deal with the misery of a fucking REAL nine to five job. 

At least in the REAL world, you've got REAL COPS who will actually come by, site a law, and ENFORCE IT. 

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