Thursday, October 27, 2016

Spiked Trevor

You know what Spike meant:

When you go to Germany, you expect to see Germans. When you go to Italy, you expect to see Italians. Ireland is for the Irish. 

Into the 21st Century, Spike predicted lookalike countries with no pride in their culture. Of course, he did go slightly overboard! 

 "I am not an ethnic mess! Mcdonald ...the man is African but he has a Scottish name. He speaks with an Estonian accent , he's jet black and he's got a Scottish name. That makes a fool out of a person." 

Poor Spike. He was wrong, of course. 

The problem isn't somebody who wants to adopt the customs of his chosen country and be a good and useful citizen, with a variant in color or religion. 

It's the ones who refuse to learn the language and customs, and, worse, are ingrates and demand special favors. They create no-go zones for themselves. Some even want to take over the country and overpopulate it, figuring they are the superior ones. 

The odd thing is, in their OWN lands, they are allowed to be as racist as they want. The excuse is, "It's their land, and we're trespassing. We're supposed to trade with them, if they'll have it, but stay the fuck out. And if we DO set foot in their land, we better observe ALL their customs and rules or die." And so white missionaries get slaughtered in Africa and anyone even in a fucking AIRPORT in a Muslim nation had better cover their heads and bow to everyone, and Jews are either forbidden in Dubai or the UAE or treated with crude disrespect. 

The idea of a "melting pot" is just an idea. The real "melting pot" for the 21st Century is what you call a planet where the Japanese have nuclear meltdowns that could pollute half the ocean, and climate change makes each year hellishly hotter than the last. 

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