Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hey Cher, file this with the Queer Complaints board

You might recall that Boris Karloff starred briefly on TV in the "Colonel March" series. The one-eyed crime fighter headed the oddly titled "Department of Queer Complaints." Colonel March first appeared in the 1940 book of that title.  

These days, like "gay," the word "queer" is now owned by homosexuals. At first, they only wanted to be called "gay," as if taking it up the ass is as delightful as eating cupcakes at the Debutante Ball. Then they sneered, "we're HERE and we're QUEER." 

They turned "QUEER" into "NIGGA." Let's take a nasty word and spit it back as if it's a compliment.

The other day, Cher turned up on a national TV show, and like everybody else, she couldn't shut the fuck up about Trump. She had to add her name to the long, weary list of people "officially against" someone almost nobody with a brain supports. 

Now, the question is, just WHO does CHER think she IS? Who do YOU think CHER is? A singer? An actress? A well-known personality? Check out the The Huffington Post definition: 

Cher is NOT half of the famous "Sonny and Cher" duo that had hits and their own TV show. She's not an Oscar-winning actress. She's a...QUEER ICON.

A bit insulting isn't it? I know we're talking about the stinky Huffington Post, which is where nobodies write for FREE, just so they can say they're bylined on a famous website. But still, is that how you describe Cher? She's at the same level as Divine the dogshit-eating Drag Queen? 

This is why I get a bit concerned when certain actresses and other famous people pander so much to the gays. Gays are just a simpering, trendy, fashion-conscious bunch who have shallow interests in pop culture and have made their sex habits the most important identifying things in their lives (only Warren Beatty might do the same for straights). Get to the point where you have a fervent gay following, and you're reduced to being nothing but a QUEER ICON, of no interest to 90% of the planet. 

Hell, Cher, you no longer even appeal to gypsies, tramps and thieves. 

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