Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bloody Ruddy Hell

On the lighter side, Jimmy Kimmel last night offered a clip of some politician talking about Brexit. He concluded with something like, "One of things we must admit is we now have Breakfast."

Yes, now that we've gotten over the DISASTER of it, people are realizing it's not the end of the world, and we can even laugh when the weird word BREXIT is mispronounced.

On the darker side, a British politician is NOT supposed to stand up for British citzens?? Why the fuck NOT?

FUCK immigrants. When will people realize this is the 21st Century? The planet is overcrowded. Arrogant self-entitled immigrants won't learn the language or customs. Individuality is being trampled.

It's ridiculous enough that you can go to the U.K., France or Germany and it seems like America, with the fucking Burger King, pizza and Fried Chicken shit all over the place, and infamous store chains taking over from Mom & Pop joints. But to have everything become a disgusting melting pot?

In America you expect it. You go to the Post Office and the clerks are Asian, Black, Black, Latino and Asian. The customers...white, black, Asian, Latino. And you think, ok, America IS a nation of immigrants. But NOT Europe. NOT Canada. If you want to go on an ethnic vacation, you want to see stereotypical Brits, Germans, Swedes, French, etc. You don't want Muzzies in their spooky burqas, and surly Paki twits, Somali pirates, and greasy arrogant Serbians.

Indeed, why NOT train British workers? Why allow Polish idiots to thunder across the border when Brits are out of work? Right, just what England needs. When Polish women are grousing that their stupid (what a surprise) government wants to outlaw abortion, they look and see that England says, "Come over here, breed all the Polish sausage you want, take jobs from our own people, and create no-go zones of obnoxious square-head morons."

And any effort to stabilize a country's traditions is viewed as "racist." Oh, FUCK OFF. Nobody's that racist unless people refuse to assimilate. Most reasonable people are not going to be upset about any immigrant who speaks and dresses well. Half the time you can't even tell if someone's a dread Jew or an Arab because they both have huge noses. You can't tell an Italian from a Frenchie sometimes. A light-skinned black is no different from a tan Spaniard. And people don't have time to care. But they draw the line when these lunatics come in and are clannish, stick to their old country's ways, and even have the nerve to act like they're superior.

Christ, the Brits love Anthony Joshua. They loved Chris Eubank, Nigel Benn and Lennox Lewis. They even allowed an asshole like Lenny Henry to have a career. There was also a time when the humor of immigrant accents was fodder for funny sitcoms, and nobody was really offended.

Nothing wrong with pride. "Made in the U.K.," mate. Welcome the hard-working immigrant but not the lazy scowling creep and the incredibly stupid baby machines.

How nice to be able to point to a well made sofa and say "This was made by salt of the earth Brits! My Dad was a fisherman, not he's an ottoman. He makes little sofas and shit. But he does a good day's work and he's proud of it!"

And if some moron doesn't like it, stay out. Go back where you came from: "My grandfather died in the war for people like you. And I also died in the war for people like you, so show some respect, Norwegian Blue!"

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