Sunday, October 23, 2016

Cilla Gets the Last Tell-a-Laugh on the Grim Grimsby Goons

You may recall our friend Cilla, who was so rudely bounced off the Telegraph, where she was doing SUCH a good job as a commentator and humorist. 

Where, oh WHERE is she now? And is she making more money than ever before? 

She's on the INTERNET of course, and YES, she's cleaning being dirty. You might not even recognize her, but that's a big secret of make-up. A girl can turn herself into just about any fantasy you want thanks to hair dye, costumes and make-up tricks.

As most everyone does, she's got her Twatter and Farcebook accounts, and a CHOSEN NAME to use with them, and she's NETWORKING on dozens upon dozens of sites, all of them getting a few pennies per view of her pix, or forwarding chumps to the page where they can buy a MEMBERSHIP and get her goodies, download videos and even MEET her if the price and location are right. 


What a bargain, worn panties for just $50. On eBay you have no idea WHO really wore them. Well, ok, you don't know if SHE really wore 'em or maybe some ugly friend, or she just put a chunk of cod in them and left them on the kitchen counter overnight. (For an extra $20 you'll get a photo of her IN the panties, but that's not saying how long she was in them! But...she has an honest face. Many of 'em. In fact very few pix resemble our Cilla at all! 

The operative word is IMAGINATION, which is how she can create dozens upon dozens upon dozens of different photo shoots in different costumes, make-up and hair color. Different camera angles create different looks, too. She also has downloadable movie clips that involve everything from ordinary sucking to squirting piss at some moron in a leather hood. Gooker didn't want to be recognized! 

IMAGINATION is how she became Cilla, thanks to some Photoshop alterations of hair and dentistry and so on. She became the IDEAL columnist for the Telegraph, and did they appreciate it? NO. Well, it's too late now to make amends, she sniffs. And if they WANT to sniff, it's FIFTY BUCKS plus SHIPPING! 

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