Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Secret Anonymous Racist Kid Record?" FUCK and OFF

Websites are like assholes. Every asshole has one. 

While most are content with a Freeeeee blog, or having a web page on a highly influential SOCIAL MEDIA site like Twatter or Farcebook, SOME actually BUY a website. 

Then they put a snarky photo of themselves up, and pretend they're like Huffington Post or Newser or Gawker. 

The sad thing is that Google might lead you to a dopey website full of spin-doctoring or twisted theories, and for a moment, you believe it. You think, "I've landed on a REAL website that makes money with banner ads, or is sanctioned and paid for by reputable people..."

A moment later: "Christ, what a waste of time. Another paranoia page. Another self-important page where somebody is trying to buy fame and respectability. Another dead end on the information highway, run by a windbag, loser, crackpot or all three."

 I actually was researching "The Cannibal King," an obscure folk song, and THIS inane and pompous asshole's "treatise" showed up.  His entry for October 8, 2012 is a dreary and poorly researched lecture-essay with a distorted title. 


Take a look at that obnoxious Nazi's sneering, ugly face. "Angus" thinks he's the deal, doesn't he? 

He doesn't even have a fucking dot com he has a DOT NET. He's a "historian" with no credentials and an "advocate" of nothing but his own pseudo-intellectual opinions.

What a fuckheaded header. "Secret Anonymous Racist Kid Record" huh? You fucking TWAT. 

He makes it seem like Phil was a racist. NO. He makes it seem like Phil deliberately set out to make a "secret" record. NO. He makes it seem like Phil was trying to influence children into being racists. HELL NO.

As all normal people know, or could figure out, back in 1963 Phil was just an unknown folkie looking for work. He most likely answered an ad, or somebody at the record label went down to a club and began asking, "anybody care to do some songs for a flat fee?" 

All "Camp Favorite" is, is a collection of campfire songs that kids at that time liked to sing. "Cannibal King" may be racist in the oh-so-politically-correct 21st Century, but at the time, Christ, "Amos and Andy" was still being re-run, and Al Jolson records, with blackface covers, were easy to find in record stores. You could buy a cannibal costume or some other silly thing for Halloween and nobody would even shrug. The South wasn't even desegregated yet, and blacks were still riding the back of the bus and denied service in restaurants. 

And "Angus" the dingus has the nerve to come up with a reckless and WRONG header like that. Phil never mentioned the record because it was shit, that's all. It was not original material. His name wasn't on it. He got signed to Elektra quick enough, so he didn't need "The Campers" for a credit. And what could he say, "I was on this low budget album, uncredited, but it's me..." Christ, you can barely HEAR him since almost all of it is sung by BRATS. 

Here is yet another "can't do, can't create, but can yap an opinion" asshole trying to legitimize himself with a fancy-named website and a snotty picture of his ugly self. He uses Phil's name and warped "scholarship" to get some traffic. End result: nobody is impressed. Nobody is asking this jerk to lecture. Nobody wants him to write a book. Most would prefer if he just falls back into his toilet and drowns. 

There you are, another website masquerading as being legit, and another pretentious prick pretending his opinion matters. You can forgive a BLOG for being nothing more than what it is: a BLOG. But it's pretty disgusting when some jerk pays to have a website, and PRETENDS he has an organization behind him, and that he's legit when he's just a gaseous blowhard. 

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