Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jenny Lawrence Cum in the Face or Hillary E-mails - We LUV LEAKS

You remember when the Dutch Douchebag and his friends first began stealing music and posting them on blogs. The response was: "So what? They are like ROBIN HOOD! They are stealing from the evil record labels! Ha ha ha! Don't ruin our FUN!" 

Various Death Farts and Mephisto Cunts applauded and cheered The Blogfather and the Music Ayatollah and all the rest of the jerks who were putting record stores out of business, feeding greed, and distorting morality just so they could become "famous" and get "nice comments" and...heh heh...a free Rapidshare account. Many of these uploaders were actually stealing royalties and keeping it all for themselves, since they were being PAID for their "hard work." Pigs like Kim Dotcom PAID uploaders a few dollars per thousand hits, and more for any premium account sales directly caused by a particular blogger.

Now? We have the same "logic" and cheers being given to Wikileaks and Asshole Assange, who make money by stealing. The creepy-looking blond is a "hero" and so are his pals, because they give us what we want: the theft of somebody else's e-mails, or the hack that lets us see some bimbo bitch star like Jennifer Lawrence wearing her boyfriend's cum on her face. Let's forget they do it for MONEY AND FAME, like the slimy bloggers of old. 

Saying "Wait a minute, this is criminal," is a good way to be shouted down: "Don't ruin our fun in seeing Jenny Lawrence sucking dick!" And "It's FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and we're so happy if Hillary Clinton's e-mails are hacked. As long as Trump's aren't. Oh, by the way, hacking Jenny Lawrence's photos is great, but if you do it to Mom's photos with the milkman, and Dad kills himself, that might not be so good. Er, we do trust Assange and his gang will ONLY do it to people who deserve it."

Right. Who decided THIS guy and his organized crime syndicate should have the power to steal and get away with it? Why are you applauding him for humiliating someone when YOU could be next?" And that goes for Anonymous assholes and other junior hackers out there, including the ones who DO specialize in hacking Farcebook and social media, outing teachers or fellow students, and taking everything on some teenager's cellphone and showing it to the world not caring if the kid jumps in the river the next day. 

Too bad the person standing up is usually the hapless victim, or a friend of the victim. When Wikileaks hacked Hillary Clinton's e-mails, the other side was delighted, so it was up to a Clinton spokesman to remind the world that this was a despicable criminal act. 

Indeed. Whether or not Wikileaks is a tool of Putin, or Putin helped, or it's just Assange being his own Little Hitler, it's an "illegal hack." 

The media is receiving stolen goods and benefitting from it. It would be "nice" if some smart lawyer hit them with a class action lawsuit, and demanded punitive damages for publishing PRIVATE material, stolen and used without consent. 

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