Tuesday, October 11, 2016

War is STILL over if you Want it


It's just a case of...oh, how did Don Henley once sing it? "How bad do you want it? How bad do you want it? How bad do you want it? NOT BAD ENOUGH!"

Right. We simply aren't listening to Yoko BAD enough.

If more people do what Yoko says, war will be over. If there's still Putin and North Korea and Isis and Syria...it's OUR fault. Obviously.

Got that? If you THINK Peace, it'll happen.

If an entire stadium THINKS Manchester United will win, then it will win. Can't miss. If Manchester United loses, it's because SOMEBODY wasn't thinking. A bit of negative energy is an awful thing; just look at Peter Dinklage.

Yoko's idiot remark should not be taken as a slam against her. She ain't the only one. Hippie dippie idiots all over the world light candles and send out their "Pray for Peace" memes. All kinds of religious fanatics tell you to PRAY and that if you do, you'll get what you want.

"The Secret" is a best-selling book, CD and DVD, and what IS it? It's a self-help rehash of "The Power of Positive Thinking." The Secret is to BELIEVE. To PRAY. It's MAGICAL!!!

Now let's talk about the kikes. A kike is an insane Jew, a disreputable Jew, an annoying idiot Jew, a stereotypical fuckhead of a Jew, same as a Nigger is a particularly stupid or violent black, or a wop is a particularly obnoxious dumb Italian, or a Pole is a Pole.

(I keed, you know that by now. But not a lot).

One of the more peculiar sights you might see is the "Mitzvah Tank." In a major city that has any kind of significant population of Jews (like Jew York City), there will be the lunatic fringe of Orthodox Jews.

One thing the more pushy and insane Orthodox Jews like to do, is ride around in a fucking "Mitzvah Tank," blasting G-d awful music. They park, and a few of these idiots in their dopey outfits get out, and start accosting people. "You Jewish? You Jewish?"

WHAT do they want? They want Jews to "get into the truck." And then what? "Wrap tefillin! PRAY!"


The idea, one of them may explain, is that if ALL the Jews wrap tefillin (wear crazy crapola on their arms and heads) and say a prayer, The MESSIAH will appear. THE WORLD WILL BE SAVED.

But it can ONLY happen if all the Jews get it together.

I know. It's crazy. In fact it's beyond crazy, but that's how religious fanatics are. Do you include half-Jewish people? How about one-quarter Jewish? "My grandfather was a Jew." "Good enough! Get into the truck!" Or, "No, that's NOT good. We believe you're a Jew ONLY if your mother is Jewish. If you're a half-breed and your FATHER is the Jew, forget it. Unless you're famous. If you're Bill Maher, we'll say you're a Jew."

Basically it's Yoko-thinking. If enough people PRAY, or "wrap tefillin," something great will happen. Spend all your time praying, or being involved in idiot busy work like driving around accosting people, and you might at least forget how miserable you are.


While we're on the subject of the insane Orthodox Jews, (who admittedly aren't as violent or crazy as the insane Muslims), let's end by mentioning the sainted (pardon the expression) name of...Rabbi Schneerson.

Lovely name, huh? SCHNEERSON.

He presided over a big Orthodox sect in Brooklyn. Brooklyn has one of the biggest populations of Orthodox Jews in the whole world. Schneerson was your typical Orthodox Rebbe, dressed in black with the gigantic white beard. He probably was a very nice man, and did minimal damage. Maybe he didn't even approve of arranged marriages.

The fanatics, however, whispered that Rabbi Schneerson was actually...THE MESSIAH. You'll see. When he dies, he will NOT die at all, he will reveal himself to be THE MESSIAH.

Long story short: he died. He did not rise up. Not instantly. Not in six days. (Hey, he was no Jesus).

I'm not sure what revisionist theory his followers came up with, but BELIEVE me, their FAITH was not shattered in the slightest. Their mild disappointment was soothed with some BELIEF or other. They probably are saying, "He'll come back, we're just not sure of the date." That would be like the religious nut who regularly predicted the end of the world. When the date came and went, he apologized: "Oh, my math was wrong. It's TEN years from this date. I was on the wrong astrological trajectory." He revised the date. Again and again. He got big publicity EVERY fucking time.

But why bring up the Jews or Muslims when there's YOKO?

So let's follow Yoko. If we all BELIEVE the war is over, it will BE over.

Meanwhile the Mitzvah Tanks keep rolling, and the ISIS maniacs keep killing, and the Latino jackasses in bodegas buy their stupid candles and light them, and the nitwits in Amish country refuse to use vibrators, and the Haitian idiots kill goats, and BELIEVERS believe what they want to believe.

And, Mr. Ochs reminds us in song, "the world's spinning madly.."

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