Thursday, October 13, 2016

Love them Ruskies - They Steal from the UK artists

Right, assholes, scream and moan about BREXIT, but ruin your British economy by downloading your next ROD STEWART and U2 and ADELE album FREE from the Russians. 

The RIAA published their annual whine, asking the governments to PLEASE block Commies and other lawless bastards from using the Internet to ruin music sales.

It was no surprise to learn that a huge percentage of famous torrents and forums and cyberlockers have servers protected in Communist countries. They may have "English"-sounding company names, but they are RUSSIAN. 

Do they have alligators anywhere but in the swamps of Florida? Er, there's a gator in RUSSIA: 

Oh, that's just one paragraph of the THIRTEEN PAGE report. Yes, there are rogues in The Netherlands (despite the Dutch actually having a very active piracy patrol) and Italy and Switzerland etc. etc. But most of the shit has the smell of Putin's needle-nose on it. 

The UK and USA export great music, TV and movies...what a blow it is, to have those industries crippled so easily by piracy. Oh, let's take 10 percent, 20 percent or MORE, just by having all the Millennials happily downloading FREE...while their idiot parents and even grandparents shrug and do it, too. 

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