Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Old Lady Jew Apologizes in Fear of the Blacks

What's an old lady to do? Especially when she's a JEW?

APOLOGIZE, Kike. APOLOGIZE. Even though you're on the Supreme Court and you know, from 80 years on the planet, what's effective and right and what's DUMB, apologize!

You can only image the hate mail Ruth Ginsberg was getting, and the death threats. After all, take a look at what happened in liberal pot-smoking DENVER the other day, with happy kids cheerfully urging the death of JEWS. Oh, and NIGGAS, too.

"What's all this, then?"

For Out-of-Towners who do know that America is being torn apart by racism (real not imagined), but don't know how DUMB things can get, there's this needle-nosed sponge-haired Colin Kaepernick asshole.

This guy with the British-Dutch-sounding name, who looks like he's maybe one fourth black, and who is making millions as a back-up quarterback, decided to act like a LITTLE PUSSY GIRL WITH A TUMMY ACHE, and take a knee during the national anthem.

He could've been a MAN and stood and raised his black fist (or rather, his mocha fist) but he didn't. He squatted like a girl and took a knee. It was his way of saying, "Oh, woe, woe, woe, black lives matter, wah wah wah. Once in a while a police officer shoots a big crazed black guy with a criminal record. Oh woe woe, sometimes the black guy isn't armed! Like the cop is supposed to let a 300 pound Nigga get him in a bear hug."

What's a good protest? It isn't taking a knee ever fucking time the anthem is played. First off, DUMB STUPID Colin began doing it because he thought that Francis Scott Key was a racist. Why? Some Spike Lee columnist in the Daily News said so. "Stone cold racist." This turned out not to be true. So, Colin just shrugged and said, "I'm protesting because blacks aren't treated right." As opposed to who? Muslims, pal? Jews? Native Americans? Latinos? Gays? But just think about your own kind. Or rather, the one-fourth of you that is black.

And don't think that maybe you wouldn't even be hired EXCEPT that whites are making sure to hire as many blacks as they can, especially in high profile positions.

All that old prune Ruth said was that this was a DUMB protest, and she should know. She's a Supreme Court judge and she knows what works. She's been on the planet about 80 years and she's seen every form of Civil Rights protests from Dr. King to Malcolm X. And THIS shit from Colin Needlenose IS lame.

Oh, woe, woe, take a knee, sulk and sulk. Have a few other idiots on other teams take a knee. Don't volunteer for a soup kitchen. Don't donate some of your inflated salary to inner city kids. Don't march. Don't show up at the funeral for some dead black person and comfort the family. Just conveniently be a pussy and take a knee. Oooh, maybe the television cameras will catch a glimpse of you. Maybe not.

It's pretty sad that the old Jew, who is promoting her memoir, has to apologize for something this DUMB. 

Protesting against "injustices" to ONE race only, and doing it by taking a knee, while taking a pay check of about $100,000 per pretty fucking DUMB, Colin Needlenose. 

Ruth also said that she said "dumb and disrespectful" applied to flag burning, too, but Colin Needlenose and his pals decided to mope and say Ruth was "racist" (always the race card) and what, threaten her in e-mails and crank phone calls? 

Where was Colin Needlenose when those white pricks in Denver were marching around talking about killing Niggas? Oh, because they ALSO included Latinos and Jews? Or is it more convenient to be a pussy girl with big bushy sponge-pussy hair and wear a panty-girdle pair of pants and take a KNEE?

Take a look at the photo. Needlenose looks DUMB. He looks like a stupid infected sponge-head piece of shit. And Ruth looks scared shitless. That's how it is in America. 

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