Sunday, October 30, 2016

"You Can NOT Be Siri-us!"

Idiots are easily amused, aren't they? Maybe not for a LONG time, but long enough to buy some stupid thing, think it's great for a day or two, and THEN realize, "How STUPID." 

The impulse purchase. We're human. We see some stupid thing at a flea market, or on QVC, and we are betrayed by our gullibility. 

WOW...ECHO! Imagine, saying something to an inanimate object...and it repeats it, instead of just staring back, or saying 'Fuck Off." How about Pete the Repeat Parrot? 

This thing is very fascinating. For an hour. You wonder, what the fuck is going on. It's got some kind of little microphone inside, a chip of some kind, and you press a button, say something at it, and it REPEATS IT? Wow. 

A little more involved, and expensive, is a version that's more like a Furby. Instead of repeating what you say, it is programmed to start ADDING things. The more you play with it, the more words it says. The more you touch the mechanical areas that have the sensors, the more it will blink, and make noises, and act like a real parrot. Gosh. 

You'll note that THIS item is pretty fucking expensive. I think that's because people got VERY tired of it, and they stopped making it, so it's rare. 

Both of these simple parrot toys pale beyond the deviousness of APPLE and AMAZON, who are getting people involved with SIRI and ECHO. 

Oh, FREAKIN' AWESOME! You can SAY shit into your computer, or into something that looks like an air cleaning machine, and it will REPEAT shit, or serve up some answers from its vast warehouse of chips and fish. 

WHAT happened to just talking to PEOPLE? To HUMANS? 

Humans are a lot more reliable. They won't break down. And unlike certain websites like Angelfire, they won't disappear for no apparant reason! 

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