Thursday, January 22, 2015

Aw, poor bratty Barrett - from Mommy's basement to JAIL

It's nice when some "hacktivist" brat actually gets sent to the slammer.

It's called "Welcome to the Real World."

As obnoxious as this blog sometimes is, it's clearly just being funny, letting off steam, and only an idiot would take it too seriously. And it's not doing anything illegal or libelous. That's the thing. SOME people know the law. Others, hacktivists, make the incredibly stupid mistake of thinking what they THINK the law should be, is what it is. Or they're just arrogant.

BARRETT (not a dead rock star, not a dead cat) has been in the can for quite a while, denied bail because nobody wants to chase the little snot around the world, or watch him put on a faggot Guy Fawkes mask and give speeches all over the place. Now that he's been convicted he'll be canned for a few years more.

He did a lot more than what you or I might be guilty of, which would be sharing some link to a download song. Nah, THIS guy was much more political.

There's tons of stuff on this idiot, but one article had a line I liked:

"The obstruction charge relates to an attempt by Brown and his mother to hide a laptop from authorities during a search of her home in March 2012. Brown’s mother was separately charged with obstruction and given six months probation."

Gosh, MOM.

Brown, by the way, is 31, which is a little fucking old to be a computer dweeb, Internet piss, and a member of "anonymous" goon squads full of pimply self-important comic book villains.

It's pretty fucking disappointing to see the the pitiful level these cretins are at. They're not MY fucking idea of "pirates" or dissidents or radicals. Take a look at the 60's news clips. At the start of that decade, clean-cut guys in white shirts went down South and took their lives in their hands to fight for integration. That was their idea of protest. Some dweebs, with the horn-rimmed glasses and goatees, may have stayed behind and wrote pieces for the underground newspapers and "Sing Out!" and "Village Voice" and whatever, but they weren't anonymous and they were fighting for freedom not "free music via stealing everything and posting it on Rapidshare."

By the time the decade ended, all that changed was the hair styles and the clothing. The guys may have had hippie tie-dyed shirts and long hair as they got maced by cops and in some cases, killed. (Neil Young's song about four dead in Ohio was based on a real incident, kiddies.)

So what's going on now? As the problems of the world have increased, the "kids" have become more selfish, gutless and cowardly. They bully each other on Farcebook and Titter. They spend their time "sharing" music, movies, APPS and games and playing stupid fucking "denial of service" games against any rock star or entertainment website that complains. They send threats to their government officials over...ANY attempt to make them pay for a fucking comic book that they want to distribute as a pdf.

Oh, once in a while somebody gets the idea, "Hey, let's show we can do something GOOD, like Jesse James or John Gotti. Let's go make threats against a North Korean website or something." Gosh. Thanks. Mostly, no. Mostly it's just childish bratty bullshit, and IF I'M BEING HONEST, being 20 fucking years old is no excuse. 20 year-olds in the 60's and 70's were fighting good fights.

They were fighting for causes, whether they were pro-integration, anti-war, or pro-abortion or gay rights or whatever. Whether the target was big, like the ecology or ending the draft, or smaller, like the anti-fur movement, they were using their energy towards something far more important than the "right" to have "free access" to every Beach Boys record. And how pathetic that grown people twice or THREE TIMES their age were doing the same stupid shit. Yeah, not every idiot blogger is 20.

Pinheads mourn and sulk and growl and vow to "get even" any time some pimply pisser gets jailed. "How wrong, how wrong," they whine. Just like they whine "copyright is copy WRONG." Bread and water for you assholes, because you have no heart or brains.

Too fucking bad the Internet generation doesn't know some "old school" methods, like going out and protesting (like the niggas did in Ferguson, for example). Too bad they don't use the new methods of hacking to be real vigilantes and mavericks and do it to the real enemies, and make it stick. Nah, go play "denial of service" against Sony because you want a free Brooooose album, but don't do it to Haliburton or Exxon or Syria's website. Nah, no fun in THAT.

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