Friday, January 9, 2015

Charlie Hebdo, oui. Juifs, no.

There is irony going on in France, if not hypocrisy.

Thousands rightfully massed to light candles, wave signs, and mourn the Charlie Hebdo staffers. After all, all they did was make fun of Mohammed. As they've done to Jewish and Christian religious figures.

A gunman, in solidarity with the murdering Muslim brothers, took hostages in a kosher store. Four innocent people died before that guy was killed. Do you think any masses of people would stand around mourning them?

Of course not. France, as its Muslim population has increased, has become one of the most antisemitic nations on Earth.

Had there been only a lone gunman murdering a few would've seen a few shrugs. That's about it. The French would've said, "That'll teach the Jews to get out of here..."

They've been going. Just not fast enough.

We've come a long way from the days when there was a French Resistance movement (which included the Jewish mime Marcel Marceau) and when a French mosque sheltered some Jews who had been driven to near extinction by the Nazis. We've even come a long way from the 60's when a Jew named Serge Gainsbourg was a popular star, and even a companion for Brigitte Bardot.

Well, we all know Bardot. She warned her country against sucking Muslim dick. All she got were threats and fines and jeers and abuse. Now? Well, in a few weeks or months, issues of Charlie Hebdo will be loaded up as usual with infantile cartooning and whatever passes for humor in France, and the Muslims will keep pouring in and the Jews will keep disappearing, one way or another.

People have short memories. The French don't want to seem bigoted toward a "fine, fine religion called Islam," while they've not been that interested in kikes. During the last Palestine vs Israel scuffle, French store keepers had their windows broken, and worse. Anyone protest that?

The French are upset that an entertainment magazine got hit, and momentarily afraid that Muslim maniacs could or would simply start killing office workers for no reason at they did at the World Trade Center in NYC. Give 'em another week, and it'll be back to business as usual, and antisemitism as usual...for any Jew who has dared stick around.

The French believe the kikes should get the hell out of France. They should go to wherever it is that Hebes go. Like Israel. Except Israel should belong to the Palestinians.

Punchline: Fuck the Jews!

Ha ha ha ha...

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