Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fall Out Boy says FUCK US IN THE ASS - We Don't Need Royalties

The ignorant pigs of the world said it. So everyone must obey:

"Music should be free. Make money from touring and selling T-SHIRTS."

And in smaller letters: "You don't have much choice, because we are juvenile delinquents who can hack you and make your life miserable, and we can re-up because we have nothing better to do, and instead of having balls and volunteering to help people in need, we help people in GREED."

So now every artist accepts that their music will leak, and they will not get their fair share of royalties. Which is ok for fuckheads like Fall Out Boy because a) they DO make their money from touring because they aren't yet burnt out and overdosing from the strain of it, and b) they have vaginas. And no guts. They wouldn't dream of telling their "fans" to be moral and stop stealing.

Fall Out Boy, as you may know, named themselves after incontinence. It's how shit keeps falling out of their asses.

At least, I think I read that on a blog somewhere, so it has to be true. Blogs have replaced music journalism and fact checking.

"I can afford it" is just another way of saying, "Go ahead, keep playing me." Go ahead, everyone. Don't feel the least bit guilty about downloading these assholes' music. And if they happen to play a gig in your town, while they're playing, rip off their tour bus or rifle through their hotel rooms and steal anything you can. They won't mind. It's all in the game. It's all good. Have fun, Duuuuuuuuuude.

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