Monday, January 12, 2015

Jerkette Rowling Wants those Harry Potter in Arabic Royalties

Hey, cunt, DISNEY thought the world was "a carousel of color."

It isn't. Get it through your Brit-twit brain; at any time, YOUR publisher's office could be blown up. Maybe YOU don't go into kosher restaurants or shops, but others DO. You've been living in a fairyland too long.

Growling has all the money in the world. The poor poor PALLL-ES-TEEEEEEEEEN-EEEEEE-YANS don't. So they kill and bomb people who do. And so do the ISIS bunch, and the jerks in France. Their excuse is always that they were "radicalized" by a few bad apples, because they were poor, couldn't be rap stars, and the price of hummus keeps going up. Oh yes, and women can't be raped and beaten for free.

Nobody's much of a fan of Murdoch, but he's saying what most every normal person is saying.

Rowling and her fucked up fans spend most of their lives in a never-never land they created, and they seem to think that if they're in trouble, a magic potion or a secret saying will get them out of it. Man, I'd love to see J.K. Rowling cringing in a fucking FREEZER because some maniac doesn't like her religion. It could be worse. Some jihadist jackass might declare that the Potter books are "blasphemy" because they involve witchcraft and sorcery and all the things the sour Mohamed The Prophet is against. After all, the Kreepy Koran is much more of a best seller than the worthless Hairy Farter books.

Enough with the "fine, fine religion" of ISLAM. Any religion that involves ripping the clit out of women, forcing them into wearing bags over their heads, and not allowing them to even drive, is psycho. Try walking down the street in Syria, babe. See how far you'd get before you'd be bent over for a gangbang of twatditch.

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