Sunday, January 11, 2015

PARIS UNITY MARCH - Cameron Was There, Somewhere & Not Obama

The good news? A surprising turnout of a million pissed off Frenchies. Some of them might actually now regret laughing and sneering at Brigitte Bardot and acknowledge "the old bag" was right. The country, in fact NO country, needs arrogant over-breeding immigrants who won't assimilate.

3 + 17 = Million. Very nice math, but it doesn't change the lethal equation. Only three Muslim maniacs died, compared to 17 innocent people. The Muslim maniacs will take that ratio any day. They brainwash some dumb bastard and send him into a pizza store to blow himself into pepperoni topping, and if he takes out even 3 or 4 innocent people, he's in heaven fucking virgin goats.

Very nice looking, all those teeming people. MAYBE it sends a message to members of that "fine, fine religion" that...uh, if you kill people you'll be tracked down, and a bunch of other people will act sullen?

A million stand around in a plaza. They could've marched into the Jewish area in Paris (which gets smaller all the time) to stuff from Jewish vendors. They could've helped out the Juifs who who had their windows smashed because the fucking Palestinians think the Jews should leave Israel AND France AND the entire fucking planet.

Palestinians are...what? WHAT ARE THEY, FOLKS? MUSLIMS. They are MUSLIMS.

Who runs all the major terrorist groups? ISIS? BOKO HARAM? AL QAEDA? MUSLIMS.

Who came from Africa to emigrate and cause misery all over the world? MUSLIMS. Too bad. It's true. It ain't the Druids. It ain't the Christians. It ain't the Buddhists. It ain't the Hindus who let their skindoo. It ain't the pestiferous kikes.

The terrorists are momentarily laying low (perhaps). They might have some defiant nutjobs do even worse in the next week. Either way, marching does nothing.

The million? What can they do besides stand around? Maybe a few were standing around wondering where the leaders of the two stupidest English-speaking countries were.

What can you say about a photo op that Camoron missed? Where was he? Wringing out his knickers? You'd think that the Prime Minister of Great Britain would be a little more prominent in a photo than, uh, the president of Mali. Where the fuck IS Mali? What the fuck IS Mali, the home for Malicious mischief? What's going on there? Is it a place tourists want to visit? Everyone's hands clean there? Any Jews there?

Camoron isn't a bigger name than...Tusk?? What's going on? Maybe Mr. Tusk tossed a few Euros to the Frenchie and said, "Stick me in the picture with you."

As for the glorious United States of Bring Us Your Poor, Your Psycho, Your Religious Fanatic Shit Heads...where was the Big O? If anyone can afford to fly over to France, wouldn't it be him? What else was he doing that was so important? I suppose he was afraid to send malaprop-prone Vice President Biden, but you know (or probably don't know), Joe Biden is no stooge. He was eloquent at the funeral for Senator Lautenberg, and he knows the tragedy of loved ones being killed. But no, he wasn't there, and neither was Lincoln-jawed John Kerry, Secretary of State. Instead, some cunt I never heard of, just a hack who got herself an easy job of "ambassador to France" wandered around going wherever the wind was blowing her tampon string.

PS, did you notice the last word? Something about posters and items SOLD. Who was doing that? Those fucking Hebe bastards always out to make a buck? Probably not. But there you are, there's NO event, NO tragedy that doesn't involve somebody looking to profit (note the spelling of PROFIT).

Check EBAY and see the weasels who are selling "I AM CHARLIE" shirts, and old copies of Charlie Hebro, and see how many are donating ANY percentage to charity!

It's very nice that murders at a crappy underground-type magazine (circulation only 60,000) drew a million people, and Twitters of "I am Charlie" (I don't suppose Charlie Watts got in on that one). Also nice that people may actually have also cared that a kosher store catering to idiots, was also attacked. Some have duly noted that both Jews AND Muslims shopped there, because they're both basically insane when it comes to superstitious dietary "laws." Not that I appreciate Christians slaughtering pigs, but a lot of the "laws" regarding kosher or halal food are just plain ridiculous.

The insane religous fanatics went too far this time? More money will be spent on tracking these loonies? Nice. But America didn't alter its gun laws after all those school children were shot dead, and America is wimping out at this very minute as it bends over backwards to give everyone's lovable killer-puppy, The Joker, a "fair trial" in Boston, because he's really a nice boy and just following his "fine, fine religion."

Somebody should've started a mass singing of "Imagine" at least, with emphasis on "Imagine no religion." It's very frustrating to think of whether the fear that keeps a lot of Jews, Muslims, Christians and others in check, is remotely equal to the number of assholes who use religion as an excuse for violence, rape and torture. It's also frustrating to think that the fanatics who killed in France, didn't even give a damn that they killed Muslim police officers and Muslim shoppers along with the heathens.

The world's fucked up, Charlie.

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