Friday, January 9, 2015

Welcome to Le Monkey House - And the Morgue

The good news today is that the twin monkeys who machine-gunned Charlie Hebro's office and ran, are now dead. So is the monkey who took hostages in a kosher deli (didn't think there were any in France). That one ended with dead hostages, like the incident in Australia (unarmed, peaceful chocolate eaters, remember?)

What was it, not too long ago, that twin monkeys blow up the Boston marathon, and the news of terrorist shit was mostly in America. Oh, those silly Americans and their "gives us your poor, your tired, your homicidal, your ethnic scum who think they are entitled to welfare..."

Now we know better. We know that Great Britain is not safe, nor Australia, nor Spain, nor Holland (Theo Van Gogh, now hardly remembered) or FRANCE.

Yes, ironically FRANCE, a place not associated with a love of Jews, and usually the first country to side against Israel, and one that has seen emigration in record numbers by Jews leaving for Israel, has seen the worst of cowardly Muslim violence.

"Welcome to Le Monkey House."

Let's have a look at the monkeys.

Sorry, but xenophobia comes pretty naturally at a time like this. Are THESE anyone's idea of French people?

The brothers were sons of immigrants from Algeria. They were born in France. They spoke fluent French. But they were still monkeys.

They were monkey see monkey do. One of the losers wanted to be a rapper. He was a fucking pizza delivery jerk and a drug user, and he put his hat on backwards and thought he'd be cool doing RAP. It was CRAP. So he did what a lot of black rap assholes do. He got violent. In his case, he (and his brother) went to Syria and Yemen, to be fed, filled with propaganda and scapegoat shit, and sent back to France to raise hell.

Now, my question is why is it that only certain ethnic groups are this stupid and violent?

Seriously. Why is it that the Japanese and Chinese, certainly capable of viciousness, don't have a bunch of murderous immigrants causing trouble around the world? The Poles. The Puerto Ricans (except for a brief period of FALN terrorism many years ago). Germans. No terrorism. Why?

At worst, you have Mexicans and Italians forming drug cartels, but they don't commit the heinous crimes that the Muslims do. Hard-working immigrants don't seem to sulk the way blacks do, insisting on getting something for nothing, and getting nuts every time a thuggish member of their group gets popped for resisting arrest, threatening cops or just being up to no good.

Man, it's one thing to have to live with white trash, and to deal with the idiots who are already IN your fucking country, but to import trouble? Anyone check the passports and think, "Holy SHIT, this guy looks like a murderer," or "No no, this is a bitch who is going to breed a bunch of chimps..."

It's always nice to take the high road, and insist Islam is a "fine, fine religion" and read Tweets from people who insist "these (protesters, murderers, bullies) don't represent MY race." But lately the high road has been paved with explosives, and the trees along the road filled with snipers that look like monkeys with assault weapons.

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