Monday, January 12, 2015

BAN ISLAM...and ban Examiner.Com too

In checking the "news feed" from one of the search engines, I saw an article about "BAN ISLAM."

Oh. Well, that DOES seem like a good idea.

Let's face it, the proportion of psycho Muslims is too damn high.

What should be done is simple enough. NO immigration for Muslims unless they are old, wealthy, and have jobs. And have a brain. The Salmon Rushdie type.

NO business with these bastards. Better to invest in solar energy. Notice how the price of oil has dropped in direct proportion to the anger against Islam scumbags? They know if the price of oil was high right now, they'd really get it in the THEY do it to ordinary people.

The sanctions that are crippling Iran (and also North Korea) should be applied to Syria, Yemen, and the other shit-spots of the globe.

Up go the fences. If your country is a hiding place for terrorists, like Syria and Yemen and Nigeria, FUCK YOU. You get NOTHING. Who the fuck needs shit from these countries? NO trade.

What we shouldn't be doing is outright banning the fucking religion. That's against freedom of speech fer Chrissake. Go practice your wonderful Islam, that fine, fine your own fucking country. And if it includes sheltering terrorists, go fuck yourself.

Once I saw where this "article" was from, I realized just what it was. Nothing but a blog, really.

All that "EXAMINER.COM" is, is a fucking blog with a fancy dotcom name.

They don't report anything. The name "EXAMINER" sounds like it must be some famous newspaper. It isn't. It's like Huffington Post only worse. It's just regurgitated shit.

Was that really a news article or just, "hey, look what we found on Twitter."

The fine print on EXAMINER.COM is that any asshole can write for it. Oooh, what a thrill. I've seen utter morons infect forums and FARCEBOOK to proclaim, like rock stars, "Read my latest article on EXAMINER.COM." Right, like they got paid for it?

EXAMINER.COM's angle is "You aren't just a blogger in mummy's basement now. You're on an authentic DOTCOM. Which is like buying a diploma from the University of Phoenix. It impresses only imbeciles who don't know any better.

Banning Islam. OK, take EXAMINER.COM with it. Take YouTube with it. Take GOOGLE with it. Take every maggot and parasite with it. Take everyone who doesn't pay a fair wage. Take every pay-for-play venue. BAN THEM ALL. Ban the idiots on EBAY who say "Buy my wet, smelly knickers" and then ad, "will be cleaned as per eBay rules" nudge nudge wink wink. Ban ALL the fucking idiots and put real teeth into laws against hacking and copyright abuse.

Ban, most of all, idiots who think religion can't be joked about. Religion is stupid. Crazy stupid. They discovered a fossil in Scotland that goes back 170 million years. Not the Loch Ness monster, but a pretty good sized monster fish. So what's your deal, Jewish Book of Fairy Tales (Bill Maher's term for the Bible). What's that tell you, New Testament testicle-busters? You fuckheads with your Prophet? You think GOD made the Earth for giant lizards, and then, a few thousand years ago, created humans? And he watched, as if they were Chia pets, as they evolved from burning witches to...ah...just burning Jews?

Sweeney Todd had the right idea, and a world without Islam or Examiner.Com would be fine, fine start.

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