Sunday, January 11, 2015

George and Anal Clooney sport cute "Charlie" buttons

Oh aren't these Hollywood superstars and their super-snatch holsters adorable?

Ah the Golden Globe awards! It's one of many self-absorbed award evenings of preening and egotism. It throbs with the kind of megalomania that makes even ISIS terrorists look humble. At this grand event, many STARS wore little buttons about the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Anal Clooney (that's her name, right?) put a little button on her Dior purse. Her purse costs more than most any disenfranchised French Muslim makes in a year.

You know, Anal, if you offered those Jihadi brothers a job licking your knickers clean, they would've happily agreed that GOD IS GREAT. "We're making a living now, sniffing Anal's panties and washing them if they have a smell. It is a fine, fine job! We can now afford pizza every night for dinner! Capitalism! YES!" But you didn't so the have-nots went on a rampage killing over a dozen people. YOUR fault, rich bitch!

One of the other swinettes, Mirren or Streep, or maybe both, coyly held up "Je Suis Charlie" signs before disappearing into the bowels of the auditorium to soak up the applause of the masses. They probably muttered to themselves, referring to the Arab loonies, "Let them eat kak." Or chew it, actually.

Hollywood royalty at its finest. Who knows, maybe Anal Clooney will ask her asshole hubby, "Don't you think you could make a fine, fine movie about the Charlie Hebdo massacre? You could play the handsome police chief chasing them down and firing the shots that killed them. OK, it wasn't ONE guy who shot them both, but movies blur fact and fiction all the time. You could win a Golden Globe! You could accept it and sniff Amy Poehler, who probably smells like feet from at least two feet away. You could get a closer look at the adorable scar just to the side of Tina Fey's mouth."

If you don't have one, get yer "Je Suis Charlie" buttons on EBAY. And remember, not a single penny will go to charity!

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