Wednesday, January 7, 2015

French Appeasement of Muslim Maniacs Leads to BLOODSHED

Brigitte Bardot was actually fined, and threatened with arrest, for telling France that it should STOP coddling antisemites, and STOP letting Muslim maniacs dictate policy, and STOP allowing the emigration of lunatics to dilute and destroy the French way of life.

Now? Now the citizens of France cluster together in horror, as their 9/11 arrived. It arrived via the destruction at Charlie Hebdo, which would be as if a bunch of religious fanatics slaughtered the staff of Mad Magazine, or of Punch (if it's still being printed).

Hopefully the French uproar will be loud and even more powerful than the sound of gunfire today, and it will be aimed at taking back the French way of life. It will stop allowing the veil of burkas and bullshit. It will stop the arrogant Islam psychos from thinking they are the fucking voice of God on Earth, and that THEY should annihilate anyone who doesn't believe in their particular notions of an invisible friend.

Vive le Protest:

Since I'm not an authority on French politics, I now give you a short history lesson courtesy of the N.Y. Post, on just how the French have misguidedly coddled, bribed, and looked the other way as foul, arrogant Muslims started to take over their country.

Thank you, REAL JOURNALISTS. If it was up to the world of Google and bloggers and Hans Demented Zinfucks, there wouldn't be such a concise and accurate look at the events leading up to this disaster. Fortunately there are still some newspapers around, and they can PAY to have EXPERTS write for them and give us the truth, and not a mess of Wikipedia and gossip and opinions masquerading as fact. It's just typical human nature that it takes a hideous act of terror before people wake the fuck up and realize there's NO appeasing the lunatics. The more you give in, the crazier they become. Power corrupts, and it's time, especially now that there's alternate fuel sources, to stop letting Arabs fuck the world.

It would be helpful if the Kim Dotcom-suckers realized that Mommy's basement isn't immune from a firebomb, and that thanking Communists for sheltering bootleg websites and places to buy porn, drugs and weapons, is NOT a good idea. Praising hackers who help ISIS and the rest of the Muslim maniacs is not a good idea. Allowing dictators to tell us what movies we should see or what magazines to read is not a good idea.

At any time, these fucking religious nuts can get "offended" and decide to blow up a school, destroy a church, set fire to a movie theater, or walk into any office and destroy it (as we saw with the OFFICE BUILDINGS that were the World Trade Center towers).

Some say the Charlie Hebdo bunch were "asking for it" by cartooning Muhammad and all that. I say you're asking for it if you still insist "Islam is a fine, fine religion," and that Palestinians are wonderful, and that Arabs will leave us alone if we stop "offending" them.

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