Monday, January 12, 2015

"Don't It Make You Embarrassed"

There you go, Big O. There you go, wussy Americans clinging to the legs of the French gift, "The Statue of Liberty" where it says "Give us...your...garbage..."

If you have the power to destroy punks, do it.

I'll tell you this: when I had a punk threaten "there are ways of harassing you on and off the Net" and "we will make you have a heart attack," I tracked that nose-picker down and I also tracked down his granny and gave her a call, literally. I found out where his mommy and his daddy live, too. I wasn't going to take his punk shit, and I have not heard a burp from his fetid bunch of inbred retards since.

There was some piece of shit who decided to pull some destruction games, till everyone was begging "say something nice" about him. No, if anyone was going to cease and desist, and play nice, it was going to be HIM. The deal is, you get as many people on your side as you can. Everyone uses their expertise. Nobody likes a snotty brat being loud and obnoxious.

I'm sure the Muckitty Mucks at the Pentagon are shrugging, "Oh, it's just talk. It's just a kerfuffle. They haven't done much." Or, "Gee, this is too bad. Maybe we need to get those delicious, pimply fellows who hide their faces behind those faggoty Guy Fawkes masks. But no, no, we can't, because if we got caught, it would be SO embarrassing."

Yeah. Tell that to Israel. Israel goes after those Palestinian punks who lob grenades and fire missiles, and Israel slaps them down, and it's "Bullies! You're bullies! Wahhh! You're BULLIES!" (See: Bully, Neighborhood. Sung by Dylan).

OK, I don't particularly want to see World War Three, just yet, but it WOULD be nice if the United Nations got some balls, and if Pooty-Poot and China and all the normal nations agreed to blow the fucking hell out of Syria. Just BLOW IT OFF THE MAP. Everybody shakes hands on it. There's nothing in Syria anyone needs. BOOM goes Syria. YEMEN, TOO. More room for ME, more room for YOU.

People are worried about "radicalized Muslims." It's time all Muslims got worried about a radicalized WORLD. Your "fine fine religion" is getting to be one big pain in the ass, you Camel-breathed urine-faced punks.

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