Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Benedict Cumberbitch Whines He's an "IDIOT" What else is new?

Add Benedict Cumberbitch to the list of BORING, ANNOYING MOVIE-STAR PESTS.

Enough already.

This over-achiever asshole has a funny name. How much longer do we have to hear it?

Even worse, how often do we have to see his dull, drawn-out cock-eyed transsexual-esque face?

Britain's run out of effete actors? I think not. Find some other awkward stick-insect dullard.

Did I mention the funny-name shit is boring? He actually did a cameo on Jimmy Kimmel's show in which he sat at a bar and did a "how funny would it be if this Limey introduced himself with a different silly name?"

It was excruciating.

Now, he's in the news for being a self-proclaimed "idiot."

Yes, Cummysnatch, you ARE an "idiot." But not in the way you think. First off, you were on the sanctimonious Tavis Smiley show. He's black. He constantly finds ways of tossing in references to blacks and black history, and he's more than capable of telling you if you're an "idiot" or not. If he did, or didn't, case closed.

Second point, you blue-eyed pale-faced demon (as Malcolm X would've called you), how the fuck are YOU supposed to know, from your ivory tower, what to call the darkies these days? They don't even know what to call themselves. Some call themselves NIGGER every fuckin' second. Others say NIGGA. Others laugh and say "Chocolate" and a dozen more terms. And "people of color" is their annoying "new" way of saying "colored people."

How the fuck are YOU supposed to know that "people of color" is ok, but "colored people" isn't? What's the big fucking difference? We're talking about illiterates who obviously don't know how to use the language, or they'd deep six "nigger" and "nigga" and "colored people" and "people of color" and just say "BLACK." Or "BROWN."

After all, they don't say "Caucasian" or "people without color." They say "WHITE."

Lastly, Scumbagbatch, in America and the U.K. these people make up 10% or 15% of the population, more or less. In major cities, more. In rural areas, less. We see more than enough of them compared to that. How many fucking American movies are without BLACKS in them? Very few. They even turned Little Orphan Annie black. When whites complained that Little Orphan Annie is NOT BLACK, they were condemned as racists. When two black actors (named Wayans) made a movie in WHITEFACE, white people weren't allowed to complain about reverse racism.

"As far as colored actors go, it gets really difficult in the UK."

Really? As opposed to colored terrorists? Go stroll around Birmingham, my boy. It'll get REALLY DIFFICULT for YOU. Go tell Lenny Henry how difficult it is in the UK. Tell Lennox Lewis. Tell Herbie Hide. Tell "Delboy" Chisora. What, there aren't enough blacks in Downton Abbey? FUCK YOU, Egghead Benedict. Better yet, dye yourself black. You already look like a tranny, why not be a black one? Lead by example. IDIOT.

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