Tuesday, January 6, 2015

SMALL FRY - Pompous Fat Stephen is Wilde About his Boy Toy

How amusing it will be when this white orangutan hits 60, and his boy toy is out on the West End trying to put half the actors into his rear end.

How sad, sad Fry will be, and how glorious his one-man show and his TV specials will be, as he turns tragedy into his unique brand of comedy, and sprinkles bitter wit through a verbose two hours of hand wringing and dick pulling.

Sick of these public spectacles aren't we? Nauseated by the thought of these two idiots naked, aren't we?

The thought of most of these idiots naked, gay or straight, is revolting. Kanye and Kim? Joan Collins or Madonna robbing the cradle with the lights (hopefully) turned down low?

Gad, does Fat Fry really think that this KID finds him ATTRACTIVE? Look at Fry's gruesome expression. It's practically, "HO ho, Santa got his Christmas wish...a little pedo-marriage with an elf!" The kid is thinking, "Yeah, I know it's grotty, but if I can tolerate it for a few years, I get a LOT of money, and as it is, I'm taken to the best places, eat the best food, and all I have to do is tickle a scrotum that lies on the bed like a deflated balloon on the floor of a children's party. Nothing much happens."

All Fry wants, really, are cuddles, right? He's spent enough decades absorbing the ridicule he deserves, along with the money he's sucked for a few tolerable bits of bawdy bombast in "Blackadder" or a few of the more tolerable segments of Laurel & Hardy...uh, Laurie and Frye.

Note his worldwide credit: Stephen Fry, the "Hobbit" actor (ooh, another tiresome old Queen trying to compete with the lovable Gandolf for most open and obnoxious fag on the planet). Isn't it odd how these poofters insinuate themselves in fantasy movies aimed primarily at young boys?

Next? Fry and his Boy Toy will take to the stage for a two-man look at the life of Oscar Wilde. "Oh, Bosie, Bosie...oh, Bosie, Bosie..." OK, the kid's not going to do much except stand around. He's doing as much acting NOW as he'd be doing on stage.

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