Monday, January 19, 2015


Hello from Lazy Fat America.

School brats? Running all over the place, heading for toy stores or trouble. Their parents? Out getting a new mattress to make fucking even better, so they can have even more brats.

Want to do business today? Tough luck. Most offices that have any black employees (and most any big office does, because it's discrimination not to) are closed.

Want to get something done by calling your incompetent, bureaucratic councilmember or senator? FUCK OFF.

Want to go to the bank? To the post office? FUCK OFF! FUCK OFF!

The Country That Always sleeping!

You can't blame us. Yesterday we all got drunk and rowdy watching the football playoffs. Yeee hah! It'll be Seattle vs Boston in the SUPER BOWL. Now we've got an extra day to sleep, or shop, or do practically anything EXCEPT care about some black guy that got shot.

Face facts, most people have no idea who Dr. King is or was, and weren't alive when he was shot.

As in, "Dude, that was BEFORE MY TIME." So how important or relevant could it possibly be?

Show most Americans born after 1968 a photo of King, and they don't know who he is. (Many don't know more than a few Presidents or other historical figures, of course).

It wouldn't be SO bad to have yet another Federal Holiday, if only to remind racists, "You shoot a nigger, you don't get your mail for a day."

(That's a joke, son).

But to have these fucking holidays mean NOTHING except "More time to spend buying shit," only shows you why America is becoming more and more of a joke. The economy isn't even helped by this, since the desperate stores are already selling as cheap as they can, and can only sell bulky shit that Amazon can't. Like, MATTRESSES.

Meanwhile lean hungry Muslims and greedy immigrants are flocking in. They don't mind sleeping on the floor. Russian peasant scum and surly gypsy bastards don't take time off from stealing and palm-reading scams.

Let's see. The last two months of the year were totally fucked up by HOLIDAYS. November 11th was "VETERANS DAY" where you have to take off work, get no mail, can't go to the bank, so you can remember veterans...and go to a MATTRESS SALE. A week later, and nobody's doing any work because they're stretching November 27th (Thanksgiving) into not a four day weekend, but an entire week off. "Sorry, there's nobody in the office to help you. Mister Shit and Miss Fuck are off this week..."

By the time people straggled back into work, say, Dec 5th, or 10th, everybody's busy having Christmas office parties, and taking days off to shop, and nobody wants to do anything. "Your proposal? I'll read it AFTER the holidays. Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Enjoy yo' Kwanza, yo!"

After the fucking mess of Christmas? Nobody's coming into work because it's a short work week and it's time for...NEW YEARS! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Yes. Last year was SHIT. This year's started shitty, too.

So, finally, the fucking holidays are over, right? NOT SO FAST. It's time to have another three-day weekend!

Lazy fucking America. And yet, we have people grousing and bitching that Americans don't get enough time off! "France takes an entire month off. Mexico has siestas every afternoon. More welfare! Less work!"

And hurry to the MATTRESS SALE so you can continue to loaf, sleep, and fuck to create more sleepy loafers.

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