Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wah wah! CARTOONS! Wah wah! No Blacks Getting Awards! WAH WAH!!

I know, we don't really need more evidence that the world's gone mad.

What we have here, is the Age of Entitlement. As in, "I'm entitled to come to YOUR country, and then kill you for not bowing down to my customs." As in, "Whether they deserve it or not, BLACKS (or whatever minority) should be given credit where credit ISN'T due."

Oh, those wacky Pakis. They aren't marching about higher wages, or better food, or better schools. Nah, they want cartoonists in FRANCE to be executed. Why stop there, urine-faced camel-breathed goat-fucking assholes?

These shit-brains with diapers on their heads expect the entire world to believe what THEY believe. These God-loving sweeties believe Allah is into drug trafficking and prostitution and Internet hacking/theft if it puts money in the hands of jihadists who can kill unarmed cartoonists.

Try to talk logic to a crazy man. Trying to reason with them is like trying to teach a dog to play the flute.

Meanwhile, closer to homely, white Liberals are whining because...oh, horror, oh terror, there aren't enough BLACK FACES for the Oscar awards. Wah wah! "Selma" was nominated for Best Picture, but that's not enough. How come the black actors didn't get a nomination? Or the black director? Ooooh, racism!

Affirmative action via the Daily Fail. Hey, there isn't a Black PRIME MINISTER. Oh, what a disgrace. Why not elect Herbie Hide?

What's the deal, people want to think Hollywood is racist? White Liberals run Hollywood and gave practically every fucking award to "12 Years a Slave." White Hollywood can't get enough of Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Halle Berry and "of color" idiots like Latina women who can't even speak English so you could understand it.

Whitey, IF I'M BEING HONEST, is actually being shoved out of power positions by blacks. Jay-Z and P-Diddy, to name two idiotic names, are savvy playas and they are making sure that all the top black stars sign with them. That includes sports and music stars, too. The blacks ain't "workin' for the man" anymore.

Turn on American TV and you'd think the country was 50% black. There isn't a local TV newscast that doesn't have a black and white anchor team. The morning show everyone watches is "Kelly (white) and Michael (black)." The View is now dominated by Whoopi Goldberg. Most every movie is cast so that BLACKS have roles, even if they don't deserve them. A new TV production of Peter Pan had black pirates in Captain Hook's merry crew. Aside from Woody Allen movies, it's almost mandatory that white people have black friends, and any office or store has to show an even amount of "diversity." Even in Westerns, a time in American history when few blacks were anywhere but picking cotton, revisionist film-making has them owning stores, being politicians, and of course, riding into town side-by-side with a white guy, and nobody says boo. Or boogie.

The Academy Awards bends its white ass backward to accomodate blacks. Who voted "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" as the AWARD WINNING movie song of the year?

Is it Hollywood's fault that blacks want to see shitty movies that are violent and stupid and badly acted? So this year, there was only ONE high-toned movie, and it came out very late in the year, just as people were making up their minds about nominations. Too fuckin' bad. PS, Blacks aren't going to "Selma" in huge numbers. It's probably guilty whites.

I'm only surprised that the do-gooders aren't also complaining that these "whitebread" nominees also don't include any PALLLL-EEEEEEE-STINI-YAAAAAAAAANS. The poor lovable adorable downtrodden PALLLL-EEEEEEE-STINNNNNNNNI-YAAAAAAAAAAAANS. Let's never forget, the Palestinians are completely right, and Israel is a racist, terrorist, Apartheid country that should be wiped off the Earth. Is there a Hollywood actor who wouldn't suck Arab dick? Ben Affleck was quivering his lips on Bill Maher's show, desperate to tell the world how wonderful Muslims are.

My question is how many of these "whitebread" people are huge fans Tyler Perry. Come on, Whitey, go see the latest black-drag piece of shit from that guy. Go buy a dozen rap albums. Tell the world how you'd much rather fuck Li'l Kim than Gwyneth Paltrow.

Complaints about a lack of Blacks getting awards would be as stupid as a complaint that Adam Sandler the Jew hasn't been nominated. Or Ben Stiller. Is it because they're Jewish? Or because they're very shitty actors? Get real. Awards for excellence shouldn't involve affirmative action bullshit.

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