Tuesday, January 6, 2015

PUTIN up with SHIT - a Crypto Night for Mummy

As if we don't all worry about viruses and vile shit coming at us...we also have to worry about the much less savvy and much more gullible. Like MUMMY.

Somebody from the New York Times wrote about how MUMMY was victimized by CRYPTOWALL.

Usually MUMMY is the stupid cunt who sends money to a Nigerian Nigga Scam, or gives up her password because her "credit card company" told her to. But here's a woman who somehow downloaded some malware and her PC was being held for ransom.

Oh well. Even Superman couldn't save MUMMY from a Crypto-night.

It's like a fucking comic book, isn't it? CRYPTO-THIEF vs MUMMY.

Oh well, "the bastards win," because GOOGLE is keeping the Internet unsafe, just as we like it. They will block every law that tries to block scammers and thieves, because THEY are the biggest scammers and thieves this side of Putinville.

Without legal means to monitor and block the Commie assholes who perpetrate CRYPTO schemes, and with credit card companies happily willing to process Commie extortion demands, MUMMY could be GANGBANGED, and fucked over every time she goes on line.

Then again, so could any of us, and it gets more likely we'll be walking around as victims of cyber-bukkake sooner or later.

But hell, let's all pretend Communists are good people, just like the fine, fine religion of Islam, and let's all pretend that copyright is copyWRONG.

Let's go on thinking that the most important thing in the world is "Internet Freedom of Speech," so that GOOGLE's YOUTUBE and their corrupt search engine can make billions of dollars and keep the Kim Dotcoms and Hans Dementeds of the world happy.


Let's end an album with a quick 40 second song. Like...

My MUMMY's hacked. Can't get her money back. Nothing can be done about it. My MUMMY'S HACKED.

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