Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Orthodox Psychos

In case anyone wonders, THIS blog IS an equal opportunity lampooner when it comes to religion. ALL religions have their share of shit-headed idiocy. It's just that the MUSLIMS are the most violent and insane about it.


The big irony in this world is that the two groups that hate each other the most are the most alike.

Can you tell a filthy Arab from a filthy Jew? Not really. Which is why Lebanese Danny Thomas had a career for 50 fucking years, and even played the lead in "The Jazz Singer," the 50's film re-make about a Jew (originally played by Al Jolson) who doesn't want to be a cantor.

When it comes to forcing women into ridiculous cover-ups, the Orthodox Jews are just as nuts as the Muslims. When it comes to "dietary laws" pork is OFF the menu with both idiot groups. And while the Arabs refuse to let women have any rights at all, and even circumcise them (a nice word for the grotesque slicing of the clitoris) look at the weak grip on reality that the Orthodox Jews have.

The Orthodox Jews really think that GOD is against women marching against antisemitism? Against terrorism? Really?

Orthodox Jews are nuts enough to ALTER REALITY because they can't bear the sight of WOMEN?????

I tell you what I wish for every nutsoid Orthodox Rabbi: it's a smelly woman sitting naked on his face.

Only these fucking hypocrites would like it. Don't say that there aren't rabbis who haven't sexually abused girls. Or boys. In the insane and insular world of Brooklyn Orthodox Jewry, for example, it seems that there's always the periodic "rabbi accused of..." article. It doesn't generally go too far. The headlines recede. The tough, NYC newspapers suddenly get timid, as they do any time a Jewish landlord is pointed at for being a slumlord. Let's not turn our heads to reality. NYC, which has more Jews than anywhere else in America, is NOT going to go slammin' the Hebes TOO hard. Any more than they're going to be anti-Black Protest. It's too much to dwell on the truth behind a stereotype, or to fuck with two groups (blacks and Jews) that, after all, have much to gripe about when it comes to evil and stupid discrimination.

The bottom line is that no group, no religion, no bunch of people is going to emerge as that much better than the homicidal and intolerant Muslims. While they aren't actively being terrorists, there's certainly a lot of quiet terror being inflicted on Jews, Catholics, and even Buddhists by their "leaders." A bunch of idiots who have to Photoshop a fucking photo to remove a woman is a case in point. PS, where in the Bible does God mention approving of Photoshop?

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