Saturday, August 1, 2015

Puerto Reek-o "We're Entitled To Be Deadbeat-os"

So Puerto Rico is $72 BILLION DOLLARS in DEBT.

We should congratulate them. That's remarkable, considering what a small, shitty little island they are. What did they waste all that money on? It sure wasn't boats and planes shipping half the population to New York.

In ever increasing numbers over the past 40 years, Puerto Ricans have been sneaking, bullying, and pushing their way into New York, refusing to speak English, and demanding food stamps and housing. And bilingual EVERYTHING, amigo.

Who's left on the fucking island? Whoever they are, they can't manage "el dinero." But so what.

The welfare mentality is "we're entitled to YOUR money."

What the Greeks are to Europe, the Puerto Ricans are to America. The big sign is: "We're broke, spare some change. Lots of it. Help us out because if you don't YOU will be swamped with more of us flooding in and making your lives miserable."

Notice how CAREFUL the media is to simply report that Puerto Rico is in debt, and NOT explain how this happened, what incompetent morons run the country, or why everyone should grin and help them.

"The world is ruled by violence," Mr. Dylan sang, "but that's better left unsaid."

So let's not say that Puerto Ricans are stupid and financially incompetent, or that while other tropical places (even disgusting Jamaica) have tourist money pouring in, Puerto Rico is flat on its greasy face. Let's not ask what the fuck is with the Greeks who were once the darlings of the civilized world, and are now a bunch of rancid maniacs with brains the size of olive pits.

Is it not a fact, that the peaceful white people of the lower class and middle class get stomped on, denied, insulted, ridiculed, tossed in jail, and called "deadbeats" if they don't pay their debts? They don't get any sympathy at all. Why? Because they aren't psychos. They don't babble in Greek or Spanish. They don't growl with their swarthy mouths and wave their fists.

It seems IF I'M BEING HONEST that some ethnic groups can hold the world for ransom.

Oh, but it does depend on where they are in the world, literally.

Nobody much gives a shit about the Africas. Fuck 'em. Let 'em starve. Are African countries in debt? Well, that's hard to do when they have no money to default. They just stumble along on what they can farm, and (in Nigeria) who they can swindle via "spoof" e-mails.

Hell, the only time Whitey cares about Niggas in Africa is when they board a plane and arrive in a white country simmering with Ebola. Then it's "Oh, we MUST help Africa."

Nobody would care about Greece or Puerto Rico except the Greeks can march into Europe and the Puerto Ricans can come swarming into America. THAT is serious. THAT means "oh well, what's BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEBT. We'll help you people out."

Certain people have to pay their way or do without. Others just wave a fist and then open it, palm upward, saying, "We're in debt and YOU have to help. OR ELSE."

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