Monday, December 15, 2014

Bend Over for ISLAM FANATIC in a LINDT CHOCOLATE SHOP #illridewithyou

Oh, well, let's NOT say "Merry Christmas" anymore.

Let's not offend the MUSLIMS and their "fine religion." Remember, if they're beheading people around the world, demanding that people convert to Islam, and basically conducting a JIHAD and HOLY WAR against all Christians and Jews...meh. Let 'em.

America, England, Spain, Holland, France...all over the world it's been "come on in, MUSLIMS, be clannish and evil, cloak yourselves and spit out rhetoric against your new country. It's, uh, free speech. We are Liberal. You people are wonderful." Whatever.

In Israel, they know that if they walk into a pizza shop they could get blown up. Now we ALL can enjoy that kind of lifestyle. Interested in picking out nice chocolate treats in a Lindt shop in AUSTRALIA?

So WHO is behind this? Oh, a known psychopath MUSLIM that the Australian government happily allowed to emigrate. In the spirit of "free speech" they've let him spew his Islamic propaganda non-stop including taunts against families who lost a soldier in Middle East conflicts. Remember, ALLAH is GREAT, so if a Muslim soldier is killed, it's because God has glorified him. If a non-Muslim is killed, that man is going to hell. Or something.

Here's more on the lovely fellow that Australia cuddled like a koala bear:

Yes, to you and I this guy is a maniac, a sexual hypocrite perv who helped stab and set his wife on fire, and later sexually abused women he was supposed to "heal," but to the Australian government he represents a member of a "fine religion" and he's a decent God-fearing fellow, to be sure. Who can do without such a fellow like that in Sydney?

Why is it that as soon as a fanatic puts on insane-looking robes and a beanie, the rest of the world is awed? We are dealing, in most cases, with an ASSHOLE. God told him to dress up? That's BULLSHIT! God says "wear a ridiculous beanie," and God says "cloak yourself like Liberace" and God says "only wear black?" It's ALL BULLSHIT. It's the sign of a weak minded piece of shit, not a noble religious leader.

Australia, as stupid as the other English speaking countries, would rather have its citizens live in fear and terror, than keep out MUSLIMS.

It would seem normal, and logical, to tell MUSLIMS or violent COMMUNISTS like Putin and Jong-Un, "We will boycott your goods, we will deny you entry in our country, and if you want to live in the 15th Century, do it by yourselves."

Nah. We're better than that. We're liberal. We're open-hearted. We'll teach by example. The "Christian" ideal is to be a fucking martyr, because the more you spout Jesus to people who rage about Mohamed, the more they' attention? Or want to kill you?

PS, if you're a Jew, you are DENIED entry into many Arab countries. Period. You're a fucking KIKE. We don't want you here even if it's for a tennis tournament. Even if you want to do business with us. Putin? Jong-Un? They don't take niggers. They don't take Jews. They don't take fags. And they are not about to take MUSLIMS. But the pussy nations of Europe? And the good ol' USA and Canada and Australia? "Come on in and walk all over us with those clean feet you wash ten times a day."

Yeah, there are Muslims who just go about their business and don't harm anyone, just as there were Japanese who were loyal to the United States in 1941 and were not part of Pearl Harbor. But the U.S. put the Japs in "camps" because they didn't trust 'em. Anything wrong with that? We're fighting against the Japs and we're supposed to NOT worry about how many might switch loyalty and become spies? You make decisions. Right decisions.

You've never seen MUSLIMS rally for peace anywhere, or come out after a bus has been bombed and people have been burned, to say "We disavow the radicals." Never happens.

But in the midst of the insanity where a fucking CHOCOLATE SHOP with "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in the window is taken over, the hashtag #illridewithyou has been trending.

What's that all about? Some twit twat in Australia saw a Muslim actually taking off her schmatta...the giant rag covering her and hiding her and marking her as Allah's superior favorite. The twit twat told her to put it back on, and mewled, "I'll ride with you."

Right. No MUSLIMS march with signs saying "Disavow the Maniac who Terrorized Christmas" but stand behind some lady cloaked from head to toe...just like the one who knifed and killed a teacher recently.

Adorable. A real act of solidarity there. The twit twat has a very Jewish name, doesn't she?

You think the MUSLIMS appreciate this shit? Of course not. They don't want some condescending kike to cuddle 'em. They KILL KIKES. They blow up MERRY CHRISTMAS stores and burn down churches. Some of them. And why? Because they can.

They see white wimps whose main concern in life is twerking to a Viley Virus song, or two fags who scream about wanting to get married, or some idiot bitches who make a movie about "Free the Nipple," because they think women should be able to walk around topless just like men. Any wonder why MUSLIMS are blowing up Whitey? They see weakness and stupidity and easy, soft morons who can be intimidated and abused. Whitey slaps a wrist. The MUSLIM beheads.

How many people in Australia are feeling uneasy walking into a Christmas shop today?

It's because they thought THIS guy was so fucking pious with his beanie and his white robe and his pubic beard. They thought THIS guy deserved to be in the country, taunting the families of soldiers, murdering his own wife, and being a pervert to women he was "healing" with his particular brand of Islamic incense and oil.

Update, Noon (USA Time) - After 17 hours, Australian news reports say the siege is over, two people are dead (including the gunman) and several more are in critical condition.

Any surprise here, that a psycho-Muslim who already was facing 20 years in jail (or more) would use his free-pass get-out-on-bail card to inflict as much damage as he could?

Ayuut Khalik, godfather to Noleen Hayson Pal (the wife that Maniac Monis helped kill so he could go fuck someone else) said that this creep was a racist, woman-hating bastard right from the start:

This morning, Chris Smith, on the air at Australia's 2GB station, had a terrorism expert on. The question was how do you reason with a Muslim terrorist. "Anything we say is irrelevant," the expert admitted. These are fanatics. They don't listen. It was a miracle that Monis didn't just shoot down everybody in the store. More and more Muslims are listening to the Jihad rhetoric of loonies in Syria, Iran and Iraq, who are urging every "lone wolf" to go out and use a bomb, a gun, a knife or even a rock to kill non-Muslims. Whites.

Australia. You think of koala bears and kangaroos and assholes with silly accents and sillier hats. Now they've had their first taste of a truly appalling, mindless attack against them. They won't be shutting the doors to emigrating maniacs. They will still allow bail for murderers and rapists who stand around wearing pious clothing of a "fine, fine religion." Australia is now just another MUSLIM country ruled by tyranny, fear, hypocrisy, woman-hating and complete religious intolerance. Up your ass, Sydney. That's how you wanted it, and that's how you're getting it till you squeal and run away to Madagascar.

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