Wednesday, December 17, 2014

SONY lets the BASTARDS WIN - Hooray for Internet Bullying

Great God Google laughs and laughs.

Yes, I blame GOOGLE.

If GOOGLE wasn't the most powerful force on the Internet, and dictating to the world that NOBODY should be able to upload and distribute copyrighted material (including intellectual property) we wouldn't have this shit:

SONY has withdrawn "The Interview" from release. Period.

They are frightened about what hackers would do on Christmas Day as "revenge" for the film opening!

Oh yes, there's a solution. The Verge, among other stupid websites, has told SONY they should just give away the movie FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:

Sure, great solution. Since hackers would attack iTunes or Amazon for helping SONY, the logic would actually be to let KICKASS and other pirates take the movie and throw it all over the place.

When will The GREAT GOD GOOGLE be toppled, like that fucking statue of Saddam was?

When will everyone tell these fucking hacker bullies that WHEN (not IF) they are found, they will go to jail for TWENTY FUCKING YEARS?

When will GOOGLE and EBAY have to tell their fucking bloggers and sellers, "No, you can NOT upload or sell shit unless you can prove you own the rights, and ANYONE can question you and make you submit the proof."


I forgot.

If the Taliban is killing children, if ISIS is killing unarmed white people, if the American police are killing unarmed black people (and nobody else), and if the niggas of Boko Procol are killing and raping other niggas...then HUMAN RIGHTS mean SHIT in this world.

So copyright or intellectual property is SHIT, too.

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