Sunday, December 28, 2014

Irish, Immigrants, and no, I ain't K. Martin Gardner

Que lastima.

Expecting a "nice" comment? Of course not.

I'd like to express outrage at K. Mart, but really, at this point in the shitty 21st Century, I'm inclined to take Spike Milligan's view. Ireland should be for the Irish.

These days most immigrants are just looking for an easy way to entertain, to fuck constantly, have tons of brats, and get the government to pay for them. If a country's economy is fucked up, that's nature saying "DON'T BREED. TOO MUCH SUPPLY, NOT ENOUGH DEMAND." Fucking up another country (literally) is NOT the answer.

But beating up a woman...that's despicable even by Irish standards. Go get drunk and bash your own wife, Flynn.

I'm also for the French making up most of the population in France, the Germans in Germany, the Italians in Italy, etc. Especially if you don't speak the language or observe its customs.

Assimilation used to work. There was once even a Jewish mayor of Dublin. We CAN learn from other cultures, and enjoy their food, too. I'm sure Ireland has a few Taco Belle restaurants. It's just that assimilation these days is not working.

America up through the 50's would be an example of successful immigration. A hard working German or Indian was tolerated, accent and all. Even the stinking food. The next generation in the family spoke English just fine, too. Everyone kinda respected each other, more or less. Now? Not so much.

Que lastima. (I know more Spanish than some Mexican immigrants know English! Es verdad!)

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