Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Shit News Bits

The joy of checking an Internet "newspaper" (I think that's the erroneous term they use, "newspaper") is you can click on links and instantly see articles. Only, are any worth looking at?

That's the "side panel" to the main news today.

Today's main news? Re-runs. The feature on everybody's front page is the latest airplane disaster. Yawn. The media wants us to all be upset that a bunch of Filipinos, or whoever they are, get lost in a remote sea. It's a sad story, but if the faces aren't white, nobody really cares. Besides, we already saw that story with a previous flight. All it does is tell you to stay away from the Far East where incompetent pilots have to deal with wrathful storms.

Then there's the first "official case of EBOLA" in England. See, the media knows when to flog and when to stop. Sort of like a 14 year old masturbator. You stop when everyone tells you, "I SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND IT'S DISGUSTING."

We all got sick and tired and scared of the fucking EBOLA story, so the media figured, OK, we'll forget it for a while.

It's like the Israel-Palestine story. Ratchet it up to hysteria, and then drop it. For a while. As if these sun-baked maniacs announced a cease-fire, which they didn't. The media decided it for them by not flogging the story for a while.

Now a nurse in Scotland has Ebola, so the story can come back again for some fresh paranoia and excitement.

PS, let's put it in smaller print, that this woman with EBOLA, did NOT get it in Scotland or England, but by being a dumb douchebag and wasting her time tending to over-breeding morons in West Africa who won't help the situation by quarantining themselves and slowing the infection rate.

Which leaves us to peruse the secondary features we see in the first image. It's...the perennial "go to" goof-heads and tarts. Ah, Justin Bieber was showing off on four pathetic steps outside a building...and fell off his skateboard. HOW old is this idiot? Why, when this shit head appears in front of 50,000 or more shrieking little pantswetting bitchlets every time he performs, he's so attention-starved that he has to show off a stunt that most every 10 year-old can do? And HE CAN'T?

Don't like that story? Oh, there's Madonna again. What? Oh, this isn't about her old tits in a fresh cupless bra? No, it's about oh well, her music leaked, but let's review it. Be like everybody else. Take the freebie and run with it.

And...ah, the usual year-end bore-story. The year's best photos of stupid cunts like Kardashian showing off, or models wearing lingerie or swimsuits. That never gets old. Seriously. Not yet. But it just might, because I get the idea that the media is now run mainly by faggots, and they're deliberately pushing grotesque-looking bitches like Kardashian and Minaj to destroy heterosexuality. The poofs are also constantly showing us Heidi Klum without make-up. They also LOVE to show photos of wrecks like Melanie Griffith or Kim Novak, reminders that if you like women you'll find yourself living with some mummified Botoxed monster one day. The media is bent on making amusement disgusting.

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