Monday, December 15, 2014

Howard Stern Huffs at the SONY HACK ATTACK

Well, duh...

Howard Stern was clucking his tongue about the hack attack against Sony, and so was his guest, the nerdy, pubic-beard no-talent slob Seth Rogen. Quoth Seth:

"I can’t believe people are just so, ‘Look at this stolen information. Hey, let’s fucking read it." He whined that the SONY people "are not doing anything illegal. They’re not trying to fool you as the consumer. They’re having private correspondence with one another.”

Yeah? You two have finally opened your eyes? NOW you realize Internet brats should be jailed?

For years now, "hackers" have done as they pleased. They've pirated EVERY Sony movie. They've pirated EVERY Howard Stern radio show. They've pirated everybody's music, novels, comic books, TV shows and apps. The big shrug was "So what. Get a new paradigm. Sell t-shirts. We're all making plenty of money. The people who steal from us aren't ones who'd buy, anyway."

Nevermind that if you get shit for free, you don't need to buy much of ANYTHING.

It got worse, didn't it?

Since they sensed their power, the brats went from stealing music and movies to stealing nude photos and e-mails. Invading privacy. ALL is permitted. Because they could. Because only 1 in a 100 ever got even a slap on the wrist. Because GOOGLE had made sure that Internet law was weak so that they could use their search engine to guide people to Jennifer Lawrence porn and Kickass free downloads, and the Kim Dotcom bunch and the Zinfuck assholes giving away shit just for their own warped ego fix.

It was always, "So what. The bitches asked for it. The record companies make a fortune. Nobody's hurting." Now, it turns out that SONY has lost millions and millions because their hot Christmas movies are on Kickass, and on top of that, there's the embarrassment of everyone reading how their bitch and dickhead execs, Rudin and Pascal, make fun of their own top stars while raging like prima donnas and squandering huge chunks of their salaries on royal luxuries.

The SONY hack has been likened, by Stern and company, to 9/11. Verrrrry interesting. Stern was actually on the radio during 9/11. You can hear some of it via YouTube or other Internet sites. For much of it, his moronic crew were laughing it up and telling sick jokes. Then reality set in, and Howard turned serious, and began moaning about it, and patching in various people who called in screaming for revenge and for the deaths of Muslim bastards.

Noe Howard and Seth are calling the hackers terrorists. Finally. Because instead of just stealing Rogen's latest movie or re-running Howard's morning radio show on YouTube, these same nasty scum have gone further and stolen e-mails?

But that's what ENTERTAINMENT is all about! That's why this blog is called DISGUSTED BY AMUSEMENT. Elvis Costello and his crowd used to be disgusted, then tried to be amused. Which was easier to do when vinyl was king and duping it onto cassette was second best. Elvis Costello was still on Columbia back then. He ain't anymore, and most of his contemporaries either are on indie shit record labels, or none at all.

That's because AMUSEMENT and ENTERTAINMENT is now selfish and cruel. Technology allows for making absolute perfect dupes of everybody's music and movies. Normal people who wouldn't think of stealing from a store, happily steal on line, call it "sharing" and thank the hackers!

Now they've gone too far, Howard? NOW you're calling them terrorists? Why didn't you call 'em that before? Pirate Bay. Zinfuck. Kim Dotcum. You name 'em. They should be in jail.

Maybe everyone in La-La-Land is a little afraid? It's one thing for a multi-millionaire like Howard or Seth not to care too much about a movie or radio show being copied, but oooh, could it be possible to find naked pix of Howard's wife? To hack Seth's computer and expose every angry e-mail and bad joke he's made to friends? Don't they LIKE the idea that GOOGLE would direct people to this shit?

Maybe the stars can't rationalize this anymore?

Hey, Jennifer, rationalize it: don't you realize you have a lot of new fans now? Hey, SONY, rationalize it: aren't you happy that "ANNIE" leaked so that, uh, "word of mouth" could take over? Come now, all the people who pirated it are no doubt telling their friends, "go pay for a ticket and see it in a theater." Sure.

Maybe it's time to increase the penalties for hacking and copyright infringement...or would that upset The Great God Google?

Here's creepy looking Amy "The Bitch" Pascal and Scott "The Asshole" Rudin. Did they EVER lobby for SONY against Pirate Bay? Against hacking? Against the ease by which Google and Ebay and the rest can spit on copyright owners and let anonymous shit heads steal and steal and steal? Amy and Scott, here's hoping that you are now pissing your pants every hour on the hour, embarrassed, angry, pained and sickened by what happened to you and your company.

For years now, you didn't tell your SONY lawyers or even cheap interns to aggressively file DMCA's did you? You didn't grab Governor Jerry Brown by the neck at a party and say, "Push a law so that GOOGLE can't rob us blind." SONY...owns Columbia records and re-runs of a hundred TV shows and so much more...and you never did enough to keep that shit from becoming free downloads.

Nope. You told Dylan's people and Paul Simon's people to waste their time and money pulling down the crap because YOU weren't going to take responsibility or them, or any Columbia artists.

Scott, you never felt like tangling with Brinn or the other Fascist CEO's of Google? You let them keep saying "We're just a venue, and if our anonymous Hansy assholes are stealing all your stuff and putting it on Blogspot blogs, you have to beg and beg and beg and fill out forms every time. If Hansy is raping your profits, well, too bad. WE are getting rich. So if we actually do pull a blog down we'll let him get a new one. Ha ha."

Maybe a little humiliation and hacked e-mails will go further toward changing things. Being able to afford $200 lunches didn't mean much to you idiots. You ignored copyright infringement because it didn't affect you enough. Meanwhile songwriters were going to Burger King for dinner, and combining breakfast and lunch by having coffee and a donut because no royalty checks were in the mail. You assholes.

Christ. Yeah, Howard. This actually IS like 9/11. Thanks for finally realizing it. Hacking, stealing and being vigilante asshole hypocrites...these are reasons to be put in jail, not thanked.

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