Friday, December 26, 2014


How tough to be a fucking ROCK WRITER today. What the FUCK do you WRITE about? And what's ROCK anymore?

I've met Rob Sheffield a few times. He seems like a nice guy. He has a lot of enthusiasm for "pop culture." I guess a few years ago, he happily stuck a fork between his eyes for the lobotomy he needed to keep watching bad TV and listen to shitty music.

His editors forced him to come up with "The Top 25 Songs of the Year." Huh? Were there really even 10 of them? If I had to write a stupid piece like that, I'd at least be "arty" about it, and pull tracks off obscure albums from deserving artists. Rob?

Nah, Rob instantly went for the big name assholes, and started raving about utter garbage. Frankly, I stopped at his Top 10. I am having a tough time as it is reaching 2015 in one piece, and having to read his fucking full 25 songs might've put me over the edge. "Oh Rob..." Now, if you have any idea where THAT catch-phrase comes from, you're old, and you know that quality sitcoms began disappearing from "The Dick Van Dyke Show" down to "Seinfeld" down to an age where Charlie Sheen's "Two and a half Men" and a horrible thing called "Big Bang Theory" became IMPORTANT. Not to mention overgrown cartoon garbage like "Family Guy" and tired jokes like "The Simpsons" and "South Park."

How long will it take you to start rolling your eyes and asking When did RAP become rock music? Why even talk about "music" designed only to make people violent and jumpy?

Still reading? Not yet totally angry and disgusted? Read on. Frankly, I like Taylor Swift as a person (compared to Viley Virus, anyway) but I wouldn't EVER consider her music to be worth listening to. Rob does. It gets worse. When did Nicki fucking Minaj, Monkey Queen of Slut Garbage get to be taken seriously? Wouldn't you be embarrassed to say that DRAKE was worth listening to? When...why...what the fuck...

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