Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Black Christmas - Rioters and Masked Fags Romp While Cops Rot

It's been a black Christmas all right. Through most of the USA, the news has been about BLACKS hollering and screaming about a couple of thugs, "unarmed" but in the midst of crimes and menacing, being shot. YO, let's not mention the white guy shot in the back by three rap fans who were bored. Or any number of whites who are victimized by blacks every day. Or blacks who are targeted by other blacks. Nah.

You'd think that at Christmas time, most people would have more to do than clog up the streets. They might, given a touch of I'ze Moses (er, osmosis) get SOME degree of Christmas spirit and shut the fuck up for a while. Even if you're not religious, the sight of candles everywhere, and soft, soothing shitty vocals by Der Dingleberry Crosby and Drunken Dino Martin would calm the savage breast. Christ, (er, Mohammed) even the fucking Feast of Ramadan is sobering, or the Mexicans or Italians mewling about some "Feast" or other. Not to mention the Jews and their fabulously cheerful Yom Kippur.

Isn't there something about religion in the air, even Islam, that makes you consider behaving yourself and mellowing out a little? For a LITTLE while? Nah.

In New York City, where two cops were shot in the head and probably had closed coffins because they had no faces left, Mayor Bill De Blasshole wimpily urged blacks to pause in their protests until the cops were buried. Nah. Fuck THAT shit.

As you see in the picture, despite the gloom and mist and the forecast of drizzle and downpours right through to fucking Christmas Day on Thursday, the happy protesters got their rocks off by throwing rocks, waving signs, and in the case of one white faggot, putting on the "I Like to Hack Musicians' Websites, Steal Music and Throw It Around on Torrents, Forums and Blogs" mask. Oh yes, "Angry Pacifist." How about pseudo-intellectual white pansy? How about dickless malcontent with nothing to do but change the tampon in his ass? Amazing, he BOUGHT that mask? Or did he trick some eBay seller by buying it, claiming it was defective, and getting his money back AND getting to keep the mask. Yeah, yeah, more like it, ha ha.

Even the Daily News headlined, "Have You No Shame?" and the answer is NO, YO. What's SHAME? That's something ol' fat Aretha sang, or some trio of dopey-looking colored girls? Shame shame shame? No shame no mo'. Just endless shouting and griping that the PO-lice should back off, boogaloo, and mind-read who might have a gun. And yeah, if a nigga be scuffling and shouting and 6'5" and 250 pounds, and won't let himself be hauled in for a crime...leave the brutha alone, yo.

The fact is, this is all about ENTERTAINMENT and BOREDOM. These people have no morals. They aren't really angry. They sure as hell would be upset if they couldn't dial 911 and get the PO-lice to come around. No. This is their idea of a good time. They can't afford a gym (note: all black people should get free passes to Equinox) so they go marching through the city. They LOVE being the center of attention (oooh, even better than getting "nice comments" for uploading shit to a torrent). They LOVE wearing masks and carrying signs and having reporters rush to gawk at them and take pictures. It's all a fucking sham.

The guy who offed the two cops was a real prince, wasn't he? He shot and nearly killed his girlfriend (ah, that would be spelled goo-frenn). THEN he journeyed up to New York to "put wings on pigs." Oh, but he only killed a spic and a gook. Too bad. But don't those cops get points for sitting peacefully in a car, and not shooting any unarmed blacks, like cops do all the time? No, I guess not. Does it even matter that the daughter of Garner (Mr. "I can't breathe but I'll still resist arrest") showed up in Bed-Sty to put a candle down and declare that shooting cops is no answer? No, didn't matter at all. Cops not even buried, a day before Christmas, and let's stomp around wearing faggoty masks and waving signs and demanding the PO-lice Commissioner resign and the PO-lice stay outta the hoods unless specifically called for.

Anyone optimistic about 2015?

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