There IS, There IS!
Santa brought me a great, great headline: MAN MAULED BY HIS PIT BULL ON CHRISTMAS DAY.
It only could've been better if a slanty-eyed obnoxious neighbor's yappy dog turned him into a big pile of Egg Foo Fuckoff. But this will do just fine
As I've stated, there is NO reason to own a pit bull, unless it's so that it will eat you eventually. And I'm glad it did, in this case. I can just imagine this fucking asshole, naming his rotten pig bull "Fat Boy."
The dog already bit him, he had not one but TWO of these fucking death lovely that he is OFF the planet, and "Fat Boy" is no more. Too bad he wasn't put through a meat grinder and fed to some cats.
The guy's wife wasn't too broken up by this. She calmly told reporters that her beloved Eddie was going to be cremated, and that the doggy was NOT violent before, so it was, oh well, one of those things.
Here she is, happily gabbing away. A Latina lady, pleased to have her 15 minutes of fame.
Meanwhile, all over FARCEBOOK and in the "comments" sections of Internet newspapers, assholes who own pig bulls are quick to post pix of their pooches and say "my dog never did anything wrong" and "my poochie is sooooo lovable" and "it's not the dog it's the owner." I wish each and every one of them a vicious bite that takes away most of their brainless skulls.
Goodbye, Fat Boy and Eddie.
You gave your low class neighborhood of trashy scum some excitement beyond taking meth, spawning more scum, and contributing nothing but shit to this planet.
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