Saturday, December 6, 2014

Donna M. Krupp mama arsonist from Hell

Maybe she saw it in a movie?

Maybe as she sat her ugly fat ass down, watching TV all night, she saw an episode of CSI that glorified arson?

Maybe she just wanted to get on TV herself, and have some astonished reporter ask "Why? WHY? WHY?"

Donna M. Krupp, a mama from Pennsylvania, smirked to herself, no doubt, as she poetically set fire to Christmas ornaments on a neighbor's home. Then she watched the roaring fire consume the place, burning every possession, and roasting the pet cat.

Her DeMille close-up...her mug shot...shows just how unrepentant she was after the deed was done.

You might well ask, what would possess her to burn her neighbor's home and destroy it completely?

Well, a crime of opportunity for this cowardly bitch: the family was on vacation in Disney World, enjoying themselves. She couldn't stand THAT.

And...she was avenging her bastard spawn, some trouble-making bastard NOT named Krupp. A bad seed from a previous marriage? Just a bastard? Who knows and who the fuck cares.

You know, as long as the Muslims are trying to take us back to the 14th Century, maybe there will be a nice jailed Muslim who'll make sure that Krupp's prison stay is as painful as possible. Let the punishment fit the crime.

The dead cat is worth more than this fat-assed trailer-trash whore AND her grinning, selfie taking delinquent brat of a son.

Fat-ass didn't have all that much to say when they hauled her away, on a million dollars bail?

Hopefully she'll have even less to say when she's housed among less privileged and pampered inmates. Maybe one of them will make sure her tongue never flaps again.

Maybe her piece-of-shit son will happily take over her house and throw meth parties until his teeth fall out and he runs into traffic and gets his fucking head flattened.

Imagine coming home from Disney World to charred remains, the news that your cat was incinerated, and that everything you've lived for, all your artwork, your prized ALL was destroyed because of some fat-ass psycho bitch and her trouble-making delinquent brat.

Yeah, just when we think our lot is pretty fucking miserable during this hideous time of the year, there's always a story to make us feel just a tad more thankful for our own predicaments.

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