Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rock's Schlocky Bore "Whores of Fame" 2015

Rock music shouldn't even have awards. That's for pussies. Who but a wimp is going to stand there, holding some ridiculous trinket, and tearfully thank his bosses, his wife and kiddies, and Jesus?

The reward in rock is MONEY. It's also sex. And some good reviews. In that order.

The "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" is such a giant tub of shit. First off, it's located in Cleveland. WHO goes to CLEVELAND? Second, it elects a lot of fuckheads who aren't rock artists. As for the "roll" part, very few 50's idiots really need to be enshrined. Bill Haley? A moon-faced cornball who sang ONE dopey song?

2015, and look at the no-talents and idiots who were "elected" to the Hall:

Green Day? Really? Raccoon Eyes McFag Billie Joe Pussy gets elected? For what? Because assholes of the 80's think "American Idiot" was a work of genius? What's enduring about Green Day? What's original about Green Day? The fucking name is even lame. They are garbage.

Lou Reed. Yeah. So? He doesn't need an award to prove he's cool. He's also dead, so NICE TIMING, schmucks. You couldn't have done it when he was alive? Nobody over there knew he had serious health problems??

Joan Jett? What an imposter. What a fucking IMPOSTER this bitch is. Genya Ravan is't in the hall, but this stupid black-leather mascara cunt is? Who can name a song she sang that wasn't a derivative cliche? She's also an authentic TWAT who would refuse to cover a song unless SHE got a co-credit. That's right. The bitch says, "I'll cover your song, but YOU have to include ME as one of the writers." Fuck you, Joan. You stink BIG fish stink.

Stevie Ray Vaughan? Just about the most irritating asshole I've ever seen on a rock stage. He was a somnambulist. Guitar heroes are generally among the dumbest bastards on the planet. They are like hyenas pulling at the stomach muscles of a dead warthog. That's all they can do. The more rending and ear-splitting the better, huh? Da blooze. Fuck DA BLOOZE.

Paul Butterfield? He's dead. Why bother? He's another gender-bender. He didn't have the chops to just be another jazz fuckhead? He was one of those much-loved "fusion" acts. Yeah, he fused tedium and boredom. Fuck him.

RINGO. What a farce. RINGO as a solo act? The lovable off-key singing of "Photograph" and other shit he didn't write? And DID he write "It Don't Come Easy?" They just want a Beatle to show up at the award show.

Apparently what the Hall of Fame did this year, was actually induct one group: GARBAGE.

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