Sunday, December 7, 2014

Terri Pope Cries Cat Tears - Against Pyscho Bitch Donna Marie Krupp

The image of an entire home burning wildly out of control.

The image of charred, barely skeletal remains of that home.

The sight of a fat, pudgy, selfish cunt named Donna Marie Krupp muttering "NO (comment") as she was led away...

If these weren't wrenching enough, there was Terri Pope, who on the local news, railed against her psycho neighbor for setting the fire that burned an innocent cat to death.

The loss of property wasn't bad enough? How do you replace a lifetime of photographs and documents? You can't. One daughter lost her life's work...all the art that she hoped would create a career for herself.

And yes, as Terri Pope cried, there was loss of life, too.

And for what? Because a nasty fat slob of a bitch was growling because, MONTHS ago, the police officer did his job and got her delinquent spawn arrested? Hey, Donna Marie Krupp, bitch of the world, why didn't you set fire to your fucking son? That would've been no loss at all.

Tell you what, use a stick of dynamite for a tampon, and blow your fucking ugly body up. THAT would be no loss either.

Krupp has spent half her life fucking around on the Internet (maybe she visits to see all the burn victim photos and laugh laugh laugh). She's probably watched, with her rotten son, every violent movie ever made about murderers and arsonists. But in this case, the Internet is not a savior for anything, and the family did not sign up with KICKSTARTER to start a new life. Locals who know the family, and those appalled by the actions of Donna Marie Krupp the stubborn, nasty, jealous redneck whore, have been directed to donate via a check to the "Morris Family Fire Fund," and take that check to a local branch of Citizens Bank.

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